Jeremiah 26 - 6.19.23


Jeremiah‬ ‭26‬:‭3‬ ‭NLT

“Perhaps they will listen and turn from their evil ways. Then I will change my mind about the disaster I am ready to pour out on them because of their sins.”


Jeremiah gets another message from God to relay to the people of Judah. It’s a message to get the people of Judah to turn from their sinful ways. It’s basically God’s final warning to them. God is being so patient with the people of Judah here. He really doesn’t want to destroy the people and their city. His heart is for them to turn from their sinfulness and have a restored relationship with Him.

“The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”-2 Peter‬ ‭3‬:‭9‬ ‭


We serve a God who gives us multiple chances. But how many chances do we need?!

As sinful and wicked as the people of Judah have been in this passage, (and the chapters prior), God is still willing to forgive them and spare them from the upcoming disaster He has in store for them, if they turn from their wicked ways. But will they listen to God’s advice for them, and repent from their wicked ways? I guess we will have to wait and see when we continue reading in the book of Jeremiah.

Yes, we do serve a God who is loving, forgiving, merciful, and is abounding in grace. But when is enough, enough? How many chances will He give us before He decides that we will never learn from our mistakes. When will God decide that my life just isn’t quite bearing the fruit He thought it would, and so He will prune me away from the vine, and throw me in the fire to be burned? 🤔

“Anyone who does not remain in me is thrown away like a useless branch and withers. Such branches are gathered into a pile to be burned.”-John‬ ‭15‬:‭6‬

We all know people who want to live it up now, then think they can wait ‘til the last minute and then they will give their lives to Jesus. But, tomorrow is not guaranteed. What if your life ended today? Would you know where your eternal destination is? Don’t take for granted God’s patience, love, mercy, forgiveness, and grace for us. Turn from your sinfulness and run to Jesus! You never know if this could be the last chance He gives us before taking you from this world. Know that God wants to spare you from the upcoming disaster that awaits those who reject Him. Know that He loves you and is waiting for You to come to Him. He is waiting with open arms. ❤️


Thank You God for your patience, love, mercy, forgiveness, and grace. Forgive me for taking those characteristics of Yours for granted. When I mess up, help me to learn from my mistakes, turn from my sins, and run back to You. Please don’t let the enemy get a foothold on me because of my sin. Give me the boldness like Jeremiah in this passage to urge others to repent from their sinful lifestyles so they can avoid Your wrath. Help me to share with them the love You have for them. May they know and believe in Jesus because of it. I pray this in Your Holy and precious name, Amen. 🙏🏽

-Moses Gaddi‬‬


Hebrews 10 - 6.20.23


Psalm 86 - 6.16.23