John 10-09.22.22

SCRIPTURE: John 10:1a, 3b TPT

“Jesus said to the Pharisees, “Listen to this eternal truth: …the TRUE Shepherd walks right up to the gate…And the sheep RECOGNIZE the voice of the true Shepherd, for he CALLS his own by name and leads them out, for they belong to HIM.”


Jesus says to the Pharisees very candidly, “Listen to this eternal Truth” as HE goes on to explain what it means to Be a True Shepherd.

To give context to Jesus frustration with the Pharisees we go back to Chapter 9. Jesus healed a man who was blind since birth. Instead of the Pharisees rejoicing that this man’s eyes had been opened—they throw this poor man our of the synagogue. They are furious with Jesus—having no concern for the man—but rather great concern that one of their “legalistic” sabbath rules had been violated.

Go back a little further to Chapter 5 with a similar incident when Jesus healed a lame man at the pool of Bethesda on the Sabbath. The religious leaders were not celebrating that this man was healed either. Their only thought was how to “get” Jesus for violating their Sabbath rules—Showing their hearts were hard and far from God. There was no desire to Shepherd their flock. Rather they used their power to keep people in fear—and threatened to excommunicate them if they dare to confess Jesus (9:22).


A TRUE Shepherd

This Chapter sharply contrasts the difference between Jesus-the TRUE Shepherd…and the false Shepherds.

  1. I have come to GIVE you LIFE in Abundance (vs10)

  2. The Good Shepherd lays Down HIS Life (vs11)

  3. I will NEVER Forsake or ABANDON you (vs13)

The false shepherd (thief) comes only to STEAL and DESTROY, has NO heart for the Sheep but works only for wages, and will quickly RUN and ABANDON the sheep whenever the wolf comes. (vs. 10-13)

Jesus says,

My Sheep HEAR my Voice.

Today as I read God’s Word I am reminded of how Important it is to LISTEN to Jesus.

Listen daily.

Listen through God’s Word. Listen Through the speaking of the Holy Spirit.

Listen to His still small voice…when I’m in my sewing room, making coffee, driving, at the grocery store, at Church…

wherever I am. Listen to Jesus….and Follow Him.

“My sheep HEAR My voice, and I KNOW them, and they FOLLOW me.” (John 10:27 ESV)


Listen AND Follow Jesus

How thankful I am for that day that Justin Eaves reminded me of this scripture (John 10:27). That day changed my life. I learned along with many people, Robin Orefice, Joni Ragsdale, Julianne Salerno and many many others—that we could HEAR Jesus and begin to speak into other people’s lives.

Thank you Jesus for giving me this gift and igniting a flame inside me. I also remember taking a DSU class with Pastor Levi where he said that we could “fan our own flame”. I believe that when I stepped out in this prophetic class—which was WAY outside my comfort zone—that was me fanning my flame—and Jesus certainly ignited something deep inside that continues to burn in a way I never dreamed possible.

Lord Jesus,

You are a very real and present God. Your heart for people is very real and present. Your desire is to see people redeemed and set free-healed and whole-Following You. I pray that more and more you will ignite this fire inside me to HEAR your voice and SHARE your Love. Help me to step out in Courageous Faith. I pray for prophetic words to share with others. Words that would stop people in their tracks and cause them to KNOW you are a God who SEES and KNOWS and LOVES them. The TRUE Shepherd—came to GIVE Life—abundantly—and HE laid down His life for this purpose and conquered death. HE will never leave us. My heart is Yours Jesus. Here I am Lord, send me. amen.

Tina L Kudelka


John 11 - 9.23.22


John 9-9.21.22