John 10-9.8.21


John 10:10

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. 


As Jesus is talking to the Pharisees He gives a parable to explain that He is the Messiah. Although they do not pick up on this right away, He continues by saying that no one comes to eternity except through Him alone. He also warns against thieves that only come to steal and cause destruction to the flock.


Now Jesus uses the example of a thief to point out discrepancies of false leaders, and then he sharply contrasts with His own nature. Bear with me for a second, okay? We all know that the way that a banker spots a counterfeit is becoming so accustomed to the real thing, that if someone hands in a fake one it is glaringly not the genuine thing. In the same way sheep come to know their shepherd’s voice so that if someone else tries to lead them astray, they know that they are not the real thing. It seems so simple, but how do we still fall for it? Because when the thief comes and steals, kills, and destroys we blame God not the thief. 

PG talked about this on Sunday: just because we are following God doesn’t mean we won’t experience hardships. Living a full life because of the “gatekeeper” we have means that we have stamina to experience the goodness of God during difficulties. It means we have the ability to work hard, we have what it takes to be victorious, and most importantly we have the endurance to give honor to our shepherd. 

Life Application

Jesus tells us to “take heart” because He has “overcome the world.” If that same power is living within me, I don’t see how I can lose! Jesus came to give us life to the full, and I want to be able to give Him back a life of abundance. Do not grow weary in doing good, we got this! 

-Allison Khan


Proverbs 25


Numbers 15