John 20-9.22.21


John 20:20

After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord.


After Jesus’ resurrection Mary Magdalene visits His tomb only to find it empty. From here, two of the disciples visit the tomb as well, and they begin to search for Jesus’ body. Jesus then appears to Mary and she gathers the disciples and He then appears to them and shows them His scars.


Something I never cared to notice until today was the fact that Jesus showed His scars to His disciples. His scars… the icky, and not-so-nice-looking marks on His hands and sides. The very thing that was meant to bring shame, the places where He was nailed to a cross to die. Not only that, it is from here that His disciples start to rejoice because they know that they are in the presence of their teacher. He doesn’t do it reluctantly either, He willing shows them to those that He loves. 

Why does this matter to us? Well is Jesus is supposed to be the model for everything that we do, then it might be time for us to show off our scars. The things that we are most ashamed of or try to hide away, Jesus wants to see them so that He can rejoice that they are no longer open wounds. Scars tell our story, whether it is a story we care to remember or not. They convey that in one point in time we felt something that deeply that left a mark. And Jesus wants to redeem what you think is to be hidden.

Life Application

What is something that you haven’t surrendered to Jesus? Jesus gladly showed His scars to His close friends, and maybe that’s the place best place for you to start. Get some close friends and let them know what you are ashamed of and work on healing together. And remember Jesus saw it all and still chose the cross.

-Allison Khan 


Numbers 27 - 9.23.21


John 19