Joshua 9-12.6.21

How to be Deceived


Joshua 9: 14 and 15

“The Israelites sampled their provisions but did not inquire of the Lord. Then Joshua made a treaty of peace with them to let them live, and the leaders of the assembly ratified it by oath.”


Joshua stands out as one of the greatest leaders of the Old Testament. He had the difficult task of following in the footsteps of Moses, who was used by God to take the entire nation out of their bondage in Egypt. However, he was unable to bring them into the Promised Land. Joshua takes up the mantle and starting with the battle of Jericho, follows God’s command to take the battle to all the enemies of the Lord, taking possession of the Land He promised to Abraham generations before. None of our Biblical heroes were perfect, (and the Bible makes sure to show their failures). There is one failure God shows us about Joshua’s leadership and this is it! He allowed himself to be deceived. How did this happen?


How to be deceived...

1. If you want to be deceived, fail to notice when you are being set up. It should have been obvious to the Israelites that the Gibeonites were over the top with displaying their “proofs”, that they came from far away- rather than a people living nearby. When people are trying so hard to prove something to you, you are likely being set up.

2. If you want to be deceived, don’t inquire of the Lord. If the Israelites would have simply taken time, after getting the pitch from the Gibeonites, to bring it all before the Lord and ask for guidance, this would have been a different story. Because our discernment is often faulty, we have to discipline ourselves to ask God before we act.

3. If you want to be deceived, surrender your decisions to the group mind. Joshua had been given the command to conquer the Promised Land and its inhabitants, not make treaties with them. Rather than going along with the crowd and rubber stamping their decision, Joshua should have been an independent leader, find out what God wanted him to do, and obey.

Life Application

O Lord, I am your servant and I belong to no one else. The world, the flesh and the enemy are constantly attempting to set me up to be deceived. Train me to consistently inquire of You before making crucial life decisions. Help me be a man who will obey You, even when I’m being pushed by those around me to follow the crowd. Thank you for the guidance, discernment and wisdom of Your Word and Your Spirit. I know that as I cling to You, You will keep me from being deceived. Amen

-Gary Emery


Psalm 58-12.7.21


Joshua 8 - 12.3.21