Luke 6 - 4.10.24


Luke 6:1-2 One Sabbath Jesus was going through the grainfields, and his disciples began to pick some heads of grain, rub them in their hands and eat the kernels. 2 Some of the Pharisees asked, “Why are you doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath?”


The Pharisees lived their lives by following a set of rigid rules – not taking people’s needs into account. They also considered themselves righteous for following these rules.


When I was a teenager, back in the horse and buggy days, there were a lot of rules in the church and a lot of things were frowned upon. I’m happy that at Desert Streams, we don’t look down at people for things that ultimately don’t affect their relationship with Jesus – appearance, clothes, income, neighborhood, etc. I’m so glad that we try not to get caught up in rigid rules, and instead try to love people like Jesus does - for who they are and where they are at.

I Samuel 16:7 “ …People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

I’m not saying there should be no rules – I’m a rule follower! I remember when I learned that calcium inhibits the absorption of iron. In other words, cheese on your hamburger reduces the nutritional value. I’m guessing this is why there is a Kosher rule to not mix meat and dairy. But if we met a starving man on the street, we wouldn’t say, “I only have a cheeseburger and that is not good for you.” We wouldn’t let the rule overrule our reaction to someone in need. Jesus clearly modeled for us the need to place the highest value on people – all people.

Another danger for us rule followers is to place greater importance on following rules than following after the heart of Jesus. We can feel righteous when we follow the rules – “I did what I was supposed to do, I don’t need to do any more,” or “I didn’t do ____, so I am right with God.” This attitude is so insidious. There is no list of dos and don’ts that I can follow that will make me right with God, only submitting to him daily and accepting his mercy and grace can do that.


Thank you God for reminding me again and again of my need for your mercy and grace. Help me to not judge people, but to meet them where they are and extend that same mercy and grace to all that I come in contact with.

- Debbie Dunn


Luke 7 - 4.11.24


Luke 5 - 4.9.24