Lamentations 1 - 7.26.23


Lamentations 1:20 (NLT)

Lord, see my anguish!  My heart is broken and my soul despairs, for I have rebelled against you. In the streets the sword kills and at home there is only death.


“Jerusalem is represented as a captive female, lamenting and seeking the mercy of God.” (Matthew Henry commentary on

“The book of Lamentations is a collection of funeral poems offered on behalf of Jerusalem after its destruction in Babylon.  Despite its bleak subject matter, it offers a biblical view of how humans can respond to God in their grief and distress.  Hope is found through the complicated process of lament, a process that leads to true intimacy with God who hears the cries of his people.” (


Keep running to Him through prayer and His Word. No one is too far gone for God to listen.

God hears us, even when we’ve rebelled or run away from Him.  Last Sunday, Katie preached an amazing sermon on how God sees us (El Roi). For those who missed it, here’s a direct link to the YouTube video:

Part of God seeing us is knowing that He hears us too. Our prayers, grief and distress will never and has never fallen over deaf ears.  Even when we have rebelled, sinned or turned away from Him like Jerusalem did, He still hears us and will welcome us back with open arms.

Knowing that God hears and sees us, how would that change how often we communicate with Him? If you are in a season of rebellion or don’t feel “good” enough to approach Him, I encourage you to turn back to Him in prayer. He STILL hears and sees you.


Dear Lord,

Thank You that You know me, see me and hear me.  Thank You that I can trust that You will always be there for me when I run to You. Amen.

Here’s a link to a hymn that I love, with great words, called, “What a friend we have in Jesus.”

-Michelle Gaddi


Revelation 3 - 07.27.23


Revelation 1 - 7.25.23