Luke 16 - 6.30.21
Luke 16: 10-11, 13
Whoever can be trusted with vey little can also be trusted with very much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. So if you have not been trustworthy in worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? No one can serve two masters either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.
Jesus tells a parable of a “shrewd manager” in an effort to the concept of eternity and worldly possessions to the disciples. He makes it clear that those you steward well can be trusted with much, while those who fail to steward well miss out on more than just worldly possessions. He also comes back to the importance of putting God first in everything (including finances).
This teaching always seemed so simple to me, I mean how much more simpler can you get? “Whoever is trusted with little can be trusted with much” and vice versa, but the verses I chose today seem to come into opposition with one another. Here’s me paraphrasing the Bible a bit so excuse the simplicity: care about your money, so you can trusted with more and more important things, but don’t care too much that mosey takes precedence over God… care but don’t care. Am I overthinking it…? I think these passages though have to be looked at together. Here’s what I mean in an even smaller breakdown:
“Whoever can be trusted with little can be trusted with much:” tithe what you have! You can never out compete God in anything, including finances. A pretty cool pastor once put it this way “only tithe what you want God to bless.” He also said “when you give God your firsts it’s considered a tithe, when you give Him what is left over then it’s an offering.” So tithing is important, it shows you can trusted with more. This doesn’t just apply to finances either, it also applies to time and relationships, and skills, etc.
“If you have not been trusted with worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?:” why would God trust a person in His streets of gold with no more pain and suffering if they are causing havoc and heartache in earthly streets of asphalt. Maybe that’s a little harsh, but we always say that this world isn’t our home, but that doesn’t mean we trash it and leave it in bad condition. God places us in this world to transform it for His kingdom, so that He can entrust us with more in eternity.
“No one can serve two masters…:” perhaps the most important verse out of the ones selected for today. Although God calls us to steward well in more ways than one, this is never a replacement to accomplishing His plans and purposes for us (that even means when you have abundant money to give or no money at all). There is only one “True Master” and He never bills me or expects me to pay anything, so the least I can do is give Him my full and undivided love and attention, and that requires saying “yes” and doing everything He has asked of me. Because money is a tool, but God is the craftsman.
Life Application
God, I pray that we make ourselves available to be used fully by You, and that we may be people who can trusted with much. Thank You that although I sometimes think I do not have enough, You always find a way to exceed my every expectation. We love You and trust You, and commit to living lives only for You. Amen.
-Allison Khan