Luke 2 - 04.04.2024

SCRIPTURE-Luke 2:34-35 NIV

“Then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother: “This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your own soul too.”



Mary is the subject of much controversy within various faiths. Some religions bow down and worship her, which the Bible tells us IS Idol worship. God, alone, deserves our Praise and Worship.


That said, there are some valuable lessons to learn from Mary and she is on my heart today as I read through these first two chapters of Luke.

Taking a step back to Luke chapter one, Mary is a teenager betrothed to Joseph when an Angel of God is sent to give her the news that God has chosen her to be the mother of the Promised Messiah. Knowing she has had no intimate knowledge of a man, she asks the Angel how this is possible. The angel replies that “The Holy Spirit will come on you”.


Mary stuns me. Her reply is swift and simple. “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said” (1:38)


Mary risked everything to be the Lord’s servant. Not only did she risk her reputation, Joseph, and her family—people would think she was crazy if she shared the story about becoming pregnant by the Holy Spirit.

And…Had Joseph chosen to accuse her of adultery she would have been stoned to death.

Still…despite these many risks…Mary said, “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as You have said”.



A Faith that doesn’t say I am “Willing”—But…MAY it BE


Simeon gave a word to Mary that this honor was going to come at a high price. Following Jesus comes at a Cost. Jesus shared about the cost of discipleship.


“And if you do not carry your own cross and follow me, you cannot be my disciple.

But don’t begin until you count the cost.” (Luke 14: 27-28a NLT)


Our commitment to Jesus will require us to move from comfort to courage. We will doubt our calling, we will at times think we’re crazy, we’ll want to look for the ‘easy’ way out. We will question ourselves and others may question us.


But Courageous Faith that says to God, May it BE, will bring us to our knees and draw us closer to God than we ever imagined possible.



LORD Jesus,

May it Be to me as You say. I want to be where You are. I am your servant. There are times when it feels terrifying, but I know, like David, I can share those feelings with you and declare how every single time YOU have been My Father, My Provider, My ever-present Help in times of need. Help me Lord to remember and declare Your Faithfulness! When I am tempted and weary, Thank You that Your Word is Life and Light and Strength that girds me. You are WITH me. Here I am Lord, Send me. In Jesus Name. amen.


 Tina Lisabeth Kudelka




Luke 3 - 4.5.24


Luke 1 - 4.3.24