Luke 3


Luke 3:8-9   

Produce fruit in keeping with repentance. And do not begin to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ For I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham.  The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.”


Observation-What does it say?  

While he only wrote two books in the new testament, the gospel of Luke and Acts, Luke is attributed with the highest volume of work in the new testament.  In Luke 1:3-4 he expresses his intent for the book, “I too decided to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught.”  Theophilus was most likely a high-ranking Roman official and the patron who would cover the cost of publishing for Luke.  The book of Acts is also addressed to the same recipient.  


In chapter three, Luke gives an account of John the baptist.  John, Jesus’ cousin, addresses his audience, fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah and preparing the way for Jesus’ ministry.  He calls for people to not only repent, but to live in such a way as to make their repentance known.  Verses 10-14 explain what is meant when John said to produce the fruit of repentance, “John answered, “Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.””  Through John’s words, we are given the impression that our faith needs to take a path of action, not just in word.  We are not saved through our heritage, or by going to church, but through faith, which should be evidenced by practical acts of love.  This is also expressed in James 2:15-18.  


Understanding-What does it mean?  

With three boys that are ten years old and under, our house is a constant mess.  I could clean the whole house and turn around to start all over again.  Our youngest is a complete tornado.  He just drops things wherever he sees fit.  I don’t think I have ever found his shoes in one spot.  Most often, I will find one in the kitchen and the other in the upstairs hallway.  I don’t even understand how they come off his feet at such a large interval.  It would be a dream come true if the three of them would just do something so simple as to put their things away in the place where they go.  


When it comes to cleaning, the conversation usually goes like this, I tell them to pick up and they say, “Okay,” with a cheery disposition.  It’s as if they understand and are going to obey.  But, almost without fail I find myself walking around the house, with my arms full of things, as I am screaming that I don't appreciate cleaning up after everyone.  Their obedience would be much more appreciated in action rather than lip-service.  Similarly, the Bible tells us to act out our faith in simple actions, sharing our food and clothes, giving help to those in need, and caring for widows and orphans.  While we often worry about finding “God’s will” for our lives, the Bible makes it clear we can live out his will through our acts of love.

Life Application  

Jesus help me to find ways to make my fruit fruit of repentance. Help me to live out love in practical ways and seek to help those in need.

-Tyler Galloway


Luke 4


Psalm 112 - 6.10.21