Mark 13 - 5.6.22
Mark 13:9
You must be on your guard. You will be handed over to the local councils and flogged in the synagogues. On account of me you will stand before governors and kings as witnesses to them.
Observation – What does it say?
Because of their faith in Him, Jesus warns his disciples that the time will come when they are persecuted and handed over to the authorities. They will find themselves before local and national leaders, but for a purpose: to be witnesses.
Understanding – What does it mean?
Many people find themselves in situations they don’t want to be in – a job they hate, a living situation that’s less than ideal, a hospital bed, a prison cell, or simply a city or state they’d rather move away from. What we can fail to see is that the situation we want to escape is actually one God placed us in on purpose, for a purpose.
The disciples were going to be arrested and stand trial before governors and kings. Why? God wanted to provide an opportunity for those leaders to hear the gospel. I wonder how many situations God places us in on purpose, for a purpose, but we fail to recognize it.
The apostle Paul found himself in lots of court rooms. But, rather than complaining and praying for a way out, he saw the opportunity and preached Christ with all his heart. On another occasion he wrote a letter from a dingy prison cell. Again, rather than whining or asking the believers to pray for his deliverance he actually says, “Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel.” (Philippians 1:12). I wonder, can you and I say the same? “The situation I find myself in now has actually served to advance the gospel.”
Life Application
Recognize God has placed me where I am on purpose, for a purpose: to be a witness.
Whether it’s serving jury duty, going to the dmv, or running errands, every situation I find myself in I should adopt the mindset of Jesus. Rather than complaining or simply putting my head down and enduring the task, I need to recognize that I have an opportunity to be a witness. Through our words and our actions, doing everything with love, we can be a transforming presence wherever we find ourselves.
God, please forgive me for the times I fail to recognize the opporunities you’ve placed in front of me. Help me and help all of us to be effective witnesses wherever we are. We’re asking today for the gospel to spread in our homes and neighborhoods, our work places and schools, our grocery stores and coffee shops. Please use us! Holy Spirit, fill us and empower us to be your witnesses. Amen.
-Levi Thompson