Mark 14 - 2.28.24


Mark 14:39-40

Once more he went away and prayed the same thing. When he came back, he again found them sleeping, because their eyes were heavy. They did not know what to say to him.


The disciples failed Jesus in his time of need. When they realized what they had done, “They did not know what to say to him.” How many times have I found myself in that same position - Lord, what can I say? I don’t deserve it, and yet you love me.


Mark 14 describes the last supper, Jesus’ time of prayer at Gethsemane, his arrest and trial. As I read this chapter, which is leading directly to the crucifixion, I noticed that Jesus was failed over and over by those closest to him. Judas, one of only 12 chosen to spend time in discipleship with Jesus, turned him in to be arrested and killed. At Gethsemane, Jesus tells Peter, James, and John, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death …. Stay here and keep watch.” I don’t think Jesus is prone to melodrama - this should have caught their attention. But three times he came back and found them sleeping. Peter denies him, again and again.

Jesus knows exactly what is in store for him. He knows that the authorities are going to arrest him, beat him, torture him and kill him. But he also knows that those closest to him, the ones he loves the most and he has poured his heart and time into, are also going to betray him. And still, he is willing to make the sacrifice

The idea that Jesus would sacrifice himself for those that were so close to him, but repeatedly failed him is so hard for me to understand. The fact that he does the same for me is beyond my comprehension. I am overwhelmed. 


Thank you for your incomprehensible love and forgiveness, Thank you for not giving up on me. Thank you for continuing to work on my heart. 


Mark 15 - 2.29.24


Mark 13 - 2.27.24