Matt 27:50-51


“And when Jesus cried out in a loud voice [It Is Finished], HE gave up His Spirit. At that moment the Curtain of the Inner Temple was Torn in Two from Top to Bottom”  Matthew 27:50-51a



There were many miracles that accompanied the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Two of these miracles stand out to me as they have such profound meaning to us Today. One, being Jesus last words “It of s Finished” as recorded in the book of Luke (23:46). I read that it is very common during crucifixion for a person to become unconscious before death. But in Jesus case, He demonstrated supernatural strength to be fully alert to cry out LOUD the reason He came, It IS Finished! Our debt is paid in Full! Also, by doing this He demonstrated that He “gave” His life—no one took it from Him. 

The second miracle I want to point out from the many miracles is the inner curtain of the Temple being Torn. It had to be stunning! At the point of Jesus death, there were countless priests and thousands of pilgrims at the Temple celebrating the Passover sacrifice. In an Instant—The 60-ft high-mostly blue and ornately decorated-extremely thick and heavily woven curtain—was supernaturally ripped from Top to Bottom.



Previously, only once a year a high priest was selected on the day of atonement-to go behind this inner curtain to a have a very brief opportunity to sprinkle blood on the altar for the sins of the people. 

It was a fearful thing to be selected because as a priest you were never sure if God would accept you. There was a very real fear of death behind the inner curtain.

Now, that Jesus has paid our sin debt, we have FREE entrance to God without ever fearing death—not once a year---but every single day---every hour---any time! And not only that…God’s Grace and Mercy are assured!

This is a True Miracle that I never want to take for granted!



Thank You Jesus for Granting me direct, unwavering, and immediate access to God’s Throne of Grace and Mercy.

“So then, since we have a great High Priest who has entered heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to what we believe. This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same testings we do, yet he did not sin. So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.” (Hebrews 4:14-16)

All Glory to God and to Jesus Christ who Is and Was and IS to Come! 


Joshua 23 - 12.24.21


Matthew 26-12.22.21