Matthew 21 - 12.16.22



The disciples went and did as Jesus had instructed them.

Observation – What does it say?

Jesus commanded his disciples to run an errand into town and they obeyed.

Understanding – What does it mean?

The nature of a disciple is to obey the one they are a disciple of. I cannot call myself a disciple of Jesus yet refuse to obey his instructions. I don’t have the option to obey certain commands I like and that feel easy and to disregard others that don’t feel convenient.

The kingdom belongs to the obedient, not those who merely offer lip service.

In this same chapter, Jesus told a parable in which he commended the son who obeyed his Father as opposed to the one who said he would obey and didn’t. Then later he told the Pharisees that the kingdom would be taken from them because they refused to obey, and given to others who would obey and produce kingdom fruit. We are saved by grace, through faith in Jesus Christ. But faith looks like something. Namely, obedience.

Matthew 7:21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.”

Life Application

God, please show me the areas and times I disregard your commands. I don’t just want to call you my Lord, but I want my actions to reflect it. May I not be like the fig tree that was cursed because it didn’t have the fruit you expected it to have. Make me, and make your church a people who it would be said of that, “they went and did as Jesus had instructed them.” Amen.

-Levi Thompson


Psalm 138-12.19.22


Matthew 20- 12.15.22