Luke 16 - 4.24.24


Luke 16:10-11

 “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?



Jesus uses parables about wealthy men in Luke 16 to remind us about true riches.



Luke 16 opens with a story of a manager about to get fired by his rich boss. The manager devises a plan to “make friends” who will help him out when he has nowhere else to go. The rich boss commends the manager for being “shrewd.”  


Shrewd – marked by clever discerning awareness and hardheaded acumen.


Jesus points out that the people of the world are more shrewd than people of the light and suggests that his followers should also plan for their future.


God’s principles remain true in every application. Even if people aren’t following God, they can reap the results of following God’s principles. I find an interesting parallel between what I have read about the habits of highly successful people and what God calls us to as Christ followers:

 Highly Successful People (aka rich) vs. Christ Followers


HS: Get up early to plan, set priorities, meditate without distractions

CF: Get up early to spend time with God, listen for his voice, invite him to direct their day


HS: Passion for their business/career

CF: Passion for the things of God


HS: Constantly learning/reading/seeking improvement

CF: Constantly learning/reading God’s word/seeking growth in their relationship with God


HS: Self-discipline – diet, exercise, time management, etc.

CF: Self-discipline – spiritual practices (Bible reading, prayer, scripture memorization, worship)


HS: Building their network/making connections

CF: Building relationships


Highly successful people are constantly building for their future. And likewise, we should be passionately engaged in growing and building the kingdom of God. Do we want to be trusted with a little of God or do we want a lot?



Thank you for speaking to me this morning about the true riches of following you, serving others, and sharing the Good News of your love for them. I am passionate about my work. I need to be even more passionate about the things of God!


- Debbie Dunn


Luke 17 - 4.25.24


Luke 15 - 4.23.24