Philemon 1 - 4.2.24

SCRIPTURE:  Philemon 1;4-7  "I always thank my God when I mention you in my prayers, because I hear of your love and faith toward the Lord Jesus and for all the saints.  I pray that your participation in the faith may become effective through knowing every good thing that is in us for the glory of Christ.  For I have great joy and encouragement from your love, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you, brother."

OBSERVATION:  Paul wrote to Philemon, and to the church who met in his house.  Philemon was a wealthy church leader in Colossae.  He had a slave named Onesimus who had escaped, and who Paul had met in Rome while he was in prison.  Paul led Onesimus to the Lord.  As reluctant as he was to send him back, Paul knew the right thing to do was to return Onesimus back to Philemon's household, but he also realized that severe punishment would be awaiting him, which led to Paul writing this letter. 


Philemon had been wronged by Onesimus big time because he had broken the law, rebelled against him, and had run away from his master's house, and Philemon's finances had been negatively affected by his absence.  Paul confronted the sensitive issue as he wrote this letter.  He made an appeal out of love for Onesimus explaining that he was once useless to Philemon, but since Paul had led him to the Lord, and had fathered him, he was now a new man, and useful to both of them.  Aware of the bad consequences that would be awaiting Onesimus upon his return, Paul pleaded with Philemon to receive Onesimus back as a brother.  Paul explained that he was willing to pay ALL the debt that Onesimus had owed in exchange for welcoming him back as a brother in Christ.

APPLICATION:  Many of us have been wronged by someone, so we are able to identify with the feelings of anger that Philemon felt towards Onesimus, but what I noticed about Paul was that he interceded, and made the problem HIS OWN!  He was willing to take the punishment that Onesimus deserved, and pay the debt off in full!  Does that sound like someone else you know?  Jesus was willing to take the punishment that we deserved!  Our sins deserved the punishment of death, but Jesus was willing to pay our debt in full by dying on the cross.  He did it so we could be restored back to the Father as brothers and sisters in Christ. 

When we are born-again, God forgives ALL our past, present, and future sins!  And as hard as that may be for some of us to comprehend that kind of love, it is not only true, but we are to be imitators of that kind of love towards the ones who have wronged us.  Whether they've asked for forgiveness OR NOT! 

We aren't told how Philemon responded to Paul's approach, but knowing that Philemon was known as a dear friend and co-worker, a fellow soldier, and one who led the church in his home, we can speculate that Onesimus was forgiven, and that he had been received back as a brother in Christ.

PRAYER:  I pray that my life will be like Paul's because he brought great joy and encouragement by serving the needs of others, and he brought such pleasure to Jesus!  And, I pray that I will be faithful in demonstrating Christ-like love, even to the ones who have wronged me.     

- Robin Orefice


Luke 1 - 4.3.24


Titus 3 - 4.1.24