Proverbs 12-5.10.22


Proverbs 12:1

Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but whoever hates correction is stupid.


Don’t be stupid! We need discipline to grow.


Do you wake up every morning and think, “I can’t wait for someone to point out what I am doing wrong!” I certainly don’t. I read this verse and thought, “Who loves discipline??” But the truth of the matter is that we all need to grow in wisdom, regardless of our age or spiritual maturity. None of us are or will ever be perfect. We all have weaknesses and blind spots and we all sin. And at times, we need to be called out on the weaknesses and blind spots and sin. Sometimes the correction comes from God and sometimes it comes from those God has placed in our lives to help us grow.

“A wise person takes correction and criticism under consideration. The point is not that godly people “enjoy” being corrected. Rather, it’s that they welcome constructive criticism and seek to apply it. Those who ignore those lessons have chosen to “hate” them and are acting stupidly”. (

Life Application

“If we find that we are upset when our faults are pointed out to us, that shows we lack not only grace but understanding. We are behaving as if we were stupid.... Oh, for a teachable spirit to sit at the feet of our divine Master and learn from him.” (Bridges)

Lord, as hard as it is, help me to have a teachable spirit. And if I can’t love the discipline in the moment, help me try to listen to correction, from You and those you have placed in my life, with a good attitude and spend time reflecting on what I need to learn from it. Help me to value the wisdom and growth that come from the discomfort.

-Debbie Dunn


1 Kings 11-5.11.22


Proverbs 11-5.9.22