Proverbs 22-9.6.21
Proverbs 22:13
“The lazy person claims, “There’s a lion out there! If I go outside, I might be killed!”
Observation-What does it say?
This is more wisdom passed on from King Solomon in this chapter. In this particular verse, he tells us how excuses will always plague a lazy person from doing what is right.
Understanding-What does it mean?
Are excuses plaguing you from experiencing God’s best?
One thing that drives me crazy is when I give my daughters a task to do, they agree to it, and then they end up not getting it done. Then to top it off, they find a silly excuse on why it didn’t get done. They don’t realize that I was paying close attention to how they responded to the task that they were given. I see and hear them agree to it and yet I see them continue to play on their electronic devices thinking they can complete the task at the last minute. Then, what usually happens is they forget about the task at hand, they say “sorry”, and try to give me that puppy dog look 🥺, thinking it will be okay. Don’t they know that I saw what they did?! Don’t they know their excuse of “we lost track of time” just won’t cut it?!
I wonder if that is how God feels with us sometimes. He hears us say “Yes Lord, I will follow you!” Then when the Holy Spirit prompts us to do something, we flake, or find every excuse in the book to why we didn’t do it. We do know God sees all and knows all right?
I believe God wants the best for us. He wants us to experience His best. But in order for that to happen we need to follow through on what He asks of us. We need to put all the excuses and fears we have aside, and just trust Him in His Ways. We have to stop putting God’s things off till the last minute because we never know what day can be our last. When it’s all said and done, I know I will be held accountable for my actions here on earth, and God will not want to hear any of my excuses, or pardon my spiritual laziness in the things He has asked of me.
“Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically.”-Romans 12:11
Life Application
Is there anything “pending” that God asked me to do?
Time to do some major house cleaning. Time to get off my lazy butt and do the tasks God asked me to do. Whether it’s praying for someone, inviting someone to church, reading my Bible, spending time with God in prayer, or (gulp)…sharing the gospel of Christ with someone. The time is now! Don’t give another excuse to God on why something didn’t get done. He gives us everything we need to accomplish the task at hand. 😊
-Moses Gaddi