Proverbs 27 - 2.10.23
Proverbs 27:17
As iron sharpens iron,
so one person sharpens another.
Observation – What does it say?
There aren’t many proverbs that are more well-known than this one. But, what does it really mean?
Understanding – What does it mean?
Some years ago I bought a sharpening rod for my kitchen knives. And being the smart and wise man that I am, rather than researching how to use it, I just began trying to imitate what I saw Gordon Ramsey do on tv. After a minute of running it along the steel rod, I tried out the knife and it was so dull it completely smashed the tomato. The skin split everywhere but where the knife blade touched it and tomato juice flooded the counter.
What I came to realize is that when a blade is applied to another surface, depending on the angle and the pressure used it can either dull and destroy the blade or hone it and make it sharper and better.
The same is true of us. We all have the ability to make others better and sharper when we interact with them, or we can dull and damage them. The way we talk to them, the lifestyle we model, the way we handle conflict. It affects the people around us for better or for worse. The flip side is also true: the people we expose ourselves to can either sharpen or damage us.
Life Application
Prayerfully consider how I’m affecting others:
- How am I sharpening the people God has placed in my life? (spouse, kids, church family, coworkers, classmates, neighbors, etc.)
- Are there any ways I am dulling or damaging the people God has placed in my life?
- What needs to change so I can walk away from every interaction having made the other person better, encouraged and more like Jesus?
Prayerfully consider how others are affecting me:
- Are there any relationships dulling my blade that I need to walk away from? And if I can’t walk away, what can I do to protect myself from damage?
- Are there any relationships you need to pursue that will sharpen your blade? (committing to in ITC group, grabbing coffee with a friend from church, asking someone to disciple you, etc.)
God, we believe you’re in the sharpening business! You are sharpening us into the image of Jesus, continually calling out the gold in us, declaring over us the great men and women you’ve created us to be, challenging us in love to grow. May we join you in sharpening those around us! Please forgive us for the times we’ve said or done damaging things to others, and heal us where others have damaged us. We love you. We need you. Amen.
-Levi Thompson