Proverbs 31-6.6.22


Proverbs‬ ‭31:10-12‬ ‭NLT

“Who can find a virtuous and capable wife? She is more precious than rubies. Her husband can trust her, and she will greatly enrich his life. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life.”

Observation-What does it say?

In this proverb that is written, King Lemuel writes on the value of finding a virtuous and capable wife. Not much is written on King Lemuel. There are theories of who he really is or is related to, but we do know this…the teachings he writes about in Proverbs 31, was taught to him by his mother, and his mother seems to be a very wise woman.

Understanding-What does it mean?

So, who can find a virtuous and capable wife?..THIS GUY, RIGHT HERE! 😁

In this proverb, there are so many verses that give examples of the benefits of finding a virtuous, God-fearing wife. Here are a few I would like to point out:

vs. 15: “She gets up before dawn to prepare breakfast for her household and plan the day’s work for her servant girls.”

‭‭(My wife wakes up early, makes my kids their breakfast, and has their day planned and ready to go!)

vs. 17: “She is energetic and strong, a hard worker.”

‭(My wife is one of the hardest and most dedicated women that I know. She manages our house’s finances, cooks the meals, helps with the kids homework, takes the kids to their scheduled events, and on top of all that?.. she serves in multiple church ministries and teaches music classes on the side! She is my Superwoman! 😍)

vs. 20: “She extends a helping hand to the poor and opens her arms to the needy.”

‭(My wife is compassionate and caring to those in need. She is always willing to lend a helping hand and prayers for support.)

vs. 29: “There are many virtuous and capable women in the world, but you surpass them all!”

‭‭(I am truly blessed that God has given me such a virtuous and capable woman, who is noble of character. ❤️)

Life Application

Taking time to honor my beautiful wife today.

“Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised. Reward her for all she has done. Let her deeds publicly declare her praise.”-‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭31:30-31

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‬‬Reading this chapter reminds me just how blessed I truly am. I am so thankful God gave me Michelle. She is all the things I mentioned above and more! I encourage you all to take some time today as well and honor your spouse and pray that you both may continue to grow closer to one another, as you both strive to grow closer to God. 

-Moses Gaddi


1 Thessalonians 5-6.7.22


Proverbs 30-6.3.22