Proverbs 9 - 01.09.25

SCRIPTURE: Proverbs 9:10

The REVERENT FEAR of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom--its starting point and its essence--And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding and spiritual insight.


With over 300 references of “Fearing God” in the Bible, it’s CLEAR that THIS is an IMPORTANT Topic to GOD.

Scriptures are FULL of examples why FEARING GOD is a GOOD thing!

Abraham stands out as a Prime example willing to sacrifice his only son—putting his faith to the ultimate test.  “Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your only son” (Genesis 22:12)

Joseph’s Fear of God led to his compassion and forgiveness of his brothers who had sold him into slavery. “Do this and live, for I Fear God.” (Genesis 42:18)

David proclaims his Fear of God in Psalms 86 “Unite my heart to Fear Your Name” (vs.11).

It was because the midwives Feared God that they obeyed God instead of the authorities by sparing the Hebrew Babies (Exodus 1:17). Moses chose leaders to help him on the basis that they Feared God and would not take bribes (Exodus 18:21). King Darius witnessed the power of God when Daniel was saved in the Lion’s Den and decreed that all people should FEAR GOD (Daniel 6:26).


Fear God—It’s a GOOD Thing

From the above examples here is a little of what we learn:

Abraham’s Fear of God caused him to Trust IN God even when circumstances looked impossible. Things don’t always happen on our “Time Table” OR in the manner we may expect, but as we put our Faith in God we learn HE has Provided that “Ram” and it’s already making its way up the Mountain to meet us.

From Joseph’s example Fearing God teaches us to remain faithful to God--even when we suffer setbacks that are unfair or harsh. God has a Good Plan in mind for us and is allowing us to go through a “refining” process. Trust and Obey.

From David we learn that Fearing God leads to deep and immediate repentance from sin and a communing worship with God that is naked and raw—desperate and passionate—joyful and unencumbered—without any thought or concern what others may think.  

Daniel’s Fear of God put him to the ultimate test when he chose to worship God over Idols with a Penalty of Death. But God stepped in and demonstrated HIS Sovereignty by Shielding Daniel in the Lion’s Den which resulted in the King’s heart turned for God and the whole nation worshipping God.


We Fear God because of His Love for us.

A young child may be intrigued to reach out and touch a hot stove. A loving Parent May slap the child’s hand away and pull them aside to explain the hot stove is very dangerous and cause serious harm. While the lesson will “sting” the child will not soon forget that the hot stove is not a friendly thing. And the discipline was given out of deep love for the child to keep them safe.


God wants us to understand in His deep deep love for us the discipline HE gives is meant to keep us from harm and on the right path. Having Fear of God keeps us on that right path— making wise choices EVEN when life gets tough.


Jesus said that IN this world we WOULD have Trouble. Jesus said this SO we wouldn’t be surprised WHEN Troubles happens!

But Like Abraham—we can Trust and Obey—Knowing—

The Ram is on the other side of the Mountain “On its Way”.



LORD Jesus,

Teach me how to Fear YOU Lord with greater measure. SO that I will learn greater Trust when I don’t understand why things may be unfolding in certain ways. When I hear Your Voice, Help me to quickly Obey. Forgive me for the times I lag behind. Help me to experience the depth of awe that Your Power and Sovereignty warrant. Your Ways are Not my Ways and Your Thoughts are Far Beyond anything I can Imagine. Thank You for Your Goodness and Mercy and Love for me--that are never ending.

There is NO God like YOU. My heart is Yours. In Jesus Name. amen.


Tina L Kudelka



1 Timothy 6 - 1.10.25


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