Psalm 10-6.20.22
Psalms 10:13-14 NLT
“Why do the wicked get away with despising God? They think, “God will never call us to account.” But you see the trouble and grief they cause. You take note of it and punish them. The helpless put their trust in you. You defend the orphans.”
Observation-What does it say?
In this psalm, David writes about all the evil and sinfulness that is going on all around him. These evil people prey on the innocent. Their sinful actions seems to have no consequences, but David knows God is watching. David cries out to God so that justice can be served!
Understanding-What does it mean?
Do not fall into the traps of other people’s sinful choices…no matter how enticing it looks.
Do you ever see people moving up the corporate or social ladders in life and they seem to be the most corrupt people you’ve met or known? You ever ask God, “Why am I the one struggling here in life, trying to do the right thing; when these people who turn their backs to You get blessed and get away with everything?” As much as I hate to admit it, I know I’ve asked that question before. It seems David is asking that same question in this psalm as well, but David and I have come to realize that God is watching. He sees all and knows all. Let me share with you a line in one of the Marvel Movies I watched. “The bill always comes due.” Basically, you reap what you sow. It’s a biblical principle.
“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.”-Galatians 6:7-8
So don’t be jealous or envious over those who seem like they’re being rewarded over their sinful actions. The bill comes due. God’s justice in the end will prevail!
“Don’t let those who are evil upset you, and don’t be jealous of them. They have no hope. Their light will burn out.” -Proverbs 24:19-20
Life Application
Live a holy life for God one day at a time.
The more I think of it, David’s surroundings that he wrote about in this chapter, really doesn’t seem that much different than the world we live in today. I mean, all the evil and wickedness around us that seems to go unchecked and all these people of prominence living ungodly lives; when will it stop? All I know is that God is watching. All I can do is live my life for Jesus one day at a time and not worry about what others around me are doing or are getting away with. My hope is in Jesus. His grace is all I need. I will be content with Him. 😊
“Look around and be distressed; look within and be depressed; look to Jesus and be at rest.”- Corrie Ten Boom
-Moses Gaddi