Psalm 116 - 3.4.22

Scripture - What stood out?

PSALM 116:6

The Lord preserves the simple;

    when I was brought low, he saved me.

Observation - What does it say?

A psalm of King David. This psalm praises God and the impact that He has had in King David’s life. Written in a very personal yet broad and sweeping measure we can almost hear David praying to the Lord as this is written down.

Understanding - What does it mean?

I am such a fan of David’s approach to his relationship with you God. As a king he was leading a nation, and doing his best to draw that nation to you Lord. But as a personal servant to You, I can’t help but admire how much these psalms must have enriched his own walk with you Lord. As a man who meditated on your word day and night it is as if in these Psalms he almost set himself reminders of all that you had done in His life already.

As I journaled today on this passage, reading verse 6 I was reminded of a time in my life when I was brought low yet You saved me Lord. And it just helped me to synchronize or re-synchronize with you once more. 

Life Application - How can I apply this to my life today?

Thank you for Your word to me this morning Lord. For my life application today I would like to set myself some personal reminders. I would like to write down a time in my life where i was brought low, yet you saved me. Thank you for being my deliverer and my savior. I praise you and I worship you Lord!

In the name of Jesus!

-kenneth lee


1 Corinthians 3-3.7.22


1 Samuel 18-3.3.22