Psalm 121 - 8.8.23

SCRIPTURE:  Psalm 121:1,2  "I lift up my eyes to the hills - where does my help come from?  My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth."

OBSERVATION:  It's not known who wrote this psalm, but some scholars suggest it was Hezekiah. This psalm is the second song of ascents.  As the God-fearing Jews approached the hills of Judea, they sang this psalm.  God had proved Himself faithful by protecting them as they journeyed through distant and hostile lands, and how exciting it must have been for them to finally catch a glimpse of the Holy City!

APPLICATION:  I am reminded in this psalm to look to God, Who is my Protector.  Even when hostile forces come against me, God is the ultimate Protector of my soul!  He never slumbers.  He is always watching over me!  He protects my comings and my goings, all day and every night!  He shields me from danger by giving me His Truth.  He protects me by the power of His name, and my main defense is prayer!  I look to the Lord Who strengthens and protects me from the evil forces that come against me.

PRAYER:  As I lift my eyes to You Lord, I am reminded of the countless ways You have protected me.  You've given me Your Word, Your Holy Spirit, and Your protective armor so that I am able to withstand the evil attacks that come against me.  I pray I will do my part to depend on Your supernatural strength and power, and that I will use every piece of Your protective armor to ensure victory over every battle that I face until You return.

- Robin Orefice


Revelation 12 - 8.9.23


Psalm 120 - 8.7.23