Psalm 122 - 11.25.22

Scripture - What stood out?

Psalm 122

6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem:

    “May those who love you be secure.

7 May there be peace within your walls

    and security within your citadels.”

8 For the sake of my family and friends,

    I will say, “Peace be within you.”

9 For the sake of the house of the Lord our God,

    I will seek your prosperity.

Observation - What does it say?

A psalm of David rejoicing in the house of the Lord! At the time God’s literal house was in Jerusalem. And this is where the rest of the nation would go as commanded to praise God.

Understanding - What does it mean?

What is it all for?

For the sake of my family and friends…

For the sake of the house of the Lord our God…

As David sings/psalms about the city of Jerusalem and the people in it he explains his heart to God. He prays for security and peace. He prays for prosperity. And its all for the sake of those he loves - his family, his friends, the house of the Lord!

King David was able to see what really mattered. He loved God. And he loved others. He sought to prosper God’s kingdom. He sought to secure the people around God’s house. He prayed for peace for all!

Life Application - How can I apply this to my life today?

Lord help my life to have a little more clarity this day. Lord for the sake of Your house, for the sake of my family and friends, for the sake of those who love You I request a blessing of peace, security, and prosperity this morning. 

Mathew 6

“‘Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be your name,

10 your kingdom come, your will be done,

    on earth as it is in heaven.

11 Give us today our daily bread.

12 And forgive us our debts,

    as we also have forgiven our debtors.

13 And lead us not into temptation,

    but deliver us from the evil one.

In the name of Jesus do I pray, amen.

-kenneth lee


Matthew 7-11.28.22


Psalm 121-11.24.22