Psalm 143 - 12.24.24
SCRIPTURE: Psalm 143:8 “Let the morning bring me word of Your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in You.”
OBSERVATION: David recognized his need for the Lord. He also remembered that he served a faithful, righteous, merciful, loving God, Who was attentive to his prayers. What kept David feeling so hopeful, even in the midst of the troubles that surrounded him was knowing that God was with Him!
APPLICATION: Christmas is suppose to be the most wonderful time of the year, but for many it can have the opposite effect; a time that causes loneliness and sadness due to the loss of a loved one, health problems, the stress of finding the perfect gift, feeling unprepared, or sheer exhaustion due to all the planning, preparing, activities and busyness that comes with the season.
I pray as we gather to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus that I will take the time to stop and remember that Jesus is the greatest gift, Who came wrapped in love so that all could receive salvation through Him.
I pray I will not allow the busyness of the season to take my focus off the real reason for the season.
I pray like David that I will remember all that God has done for me, along with the wonderful works of His hands, and for that reason, I want to be prayed up, and prepared to share the greatest gift that I have ever received for all who will take it.
- Robin Orefice