Psalm 144 - 7.28.21
Psalm 144: 3-4
Lord, what are human beings that you care for them, mere mortals that you think of them? They are like a breath; their days are like a fleeting shadow.
This psalm is assumed to be written after David has become king of Israel. The whole psalm shows his heart for both wartimes and peaceful times, but these verses in particular marvel at God’s care for humans.
I think that these verses do a good job capturing the magnitude of God’s love for us. That even while are just mere mortals and a breath in the wind God has a heart for us as His people. Even more when we consider the fact that oftentimes we turn away from God, but He never turns His back on us. It is very sobering to realize that God picked us, He designed us, and He chases us time and time again.
It is a love that isn’t deserved but given to us so freely, and call me sentimental but lately I’ve been awe of just the love of God. Like David I can’t wrap my head around the thought that the God of the universe loves everything about me (my flaws and all). Maybe today, you need to be reminded of that as well. That the God of everything loves everything about you, even the things you hate.
Life Application
Take time today to just share your gratitude of God to HIm. I’m sure He doesn’t hear it enough. And while you are at it, take some time to bask in the fact that you are fully known, and fully loved by God.
-Allison Khan