Psalm 146- 12.29.22

SCRIPTURE: Psalm 146: 3-4 NIV

Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save. When their spirit departs, they return to the ground; on that very day their plans come to nothing.”


Psalm 146 begins a series of “The Five Final Psalms-known as the Hallelujah Psalms”. We don’t know who wrote this psalm—but whoever penned it—God was the author. There are “Life-Giving” words here that I have lived by for many years. Today in my Soul Journal I am sharing a few Takeaways.


First, Hallelujah—Praise the Lord.

It’s funny but I was a believer for awhile before I knew the meaning of certain words—and then it reaches that awkward stage—where you don’t want to ask. (haha) Hallelujah was one of those words back in the day. “Praise the Lord”. The first half of the word, from the word hillel, means praise, and its used hundreds of times in the Bible. “jah” is a shortened form of the 4-letter Hebrew name for the LORD, YHWH, pronounced Yahweh. God is Worthy of our Praise.

Let Everything in my Soul—stop—surrender—in complete praise and thanksgiving—to my Creator—the lover of my soul—deep calls unto deep. Selah.

Today, the first few verses of this Psalm caught my attention because it said “human beings cannot save”. How true this statement is. There is much unrest in the world today. The news is unsettling to say the least. Where is my trust? Is my reliance placed in a person OR God? God IS in Control. Humans are mere mortals—there is no salvation in them. Salvation comes from God, ALONE—a Free Gift waiting to be Received-

“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23 NIV)

God cares SO deeply and personally for HIS Creation. Selah. May I pause and remember how often God has personally demonstrated His LOVE for me. When I was a new believer and did not know the Bible—I was struggling with the fact that my Father was in and out of my life. At that time God spoke a personal word to me, “Don’t you know I’ll always be your Father”. That day His spoken word blessed me so deeply. I held it in my heart and began praying specifically to my “Daddy” God. Several years later I came across Psalm 146 and read these words—and saw God’s spoken word to me confirmed.

“The Lord protects the strangers; He supports (upholds, cares for) the fatherless...” (Psalm 146:9a NASB)


May I encourage you to read Psalm 146 Today—especially verses 5-9—as they are FILLED with God’s promises. This Psalm shares that God is faithful, HE will open eyes (Spiritually and physically), HE is your provider, HE sets prisoners FREE (Emotionally, spiritually, whatever is holding you-Jesus is able), HE is your advocate and will exact Justice—HE cares for and upholds the Fatherless, and the widows, the brokenhearted, He cares for those who are displaced—HE knows our needs. HE KNOWS—Cares, and Loves you deeply—

Selah…My God reigns!

Thank you, Daddy God, for your Love, for your Sovereign Protection. For knowing every need BEFORE it happens. For your provision. I want to Know You more and more. Like sit at your feet. Help me to let go of everything that hinders me so that I may receive everything you have for me. I am yours.

“I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.” (2 Corinthians 6:18 NIV)

Tina L Kudelka


Acts 3 - 12.30.22


Psalm 145-12.28.22