Psalm 147-8.2.21


Psalm 147:10-11

“His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse, nor his delight in the legs of the warrior; the Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.”

OBSERVATION-What does it say?

“This is a song of praise to God, who protects and preserves, and praise for His creation.” (David Guzik commentary on

Here is a breakdown of the verses from David Guzik commentary: 

-Praise God for his protection and preservation. (Verse 1)

-The care and power of God. (Verses 2-6)

-Praise God for His work in nature (Verses 7-9)

-What delights the Lord. (10-11)

-More Praise for the God of great care and power (12-18)

-The presence and goodness of God’s word to Israel (19-20)

UNDERSTANDING-What does it mean?

The Lord delights in the praise of His people.

There is so much that we can give the Lord thanks for. Even if you are in a season where you can’t think of anything right now, just the fact that we are not in hell right now (which is what we all deserve), is reason to give thanks and worship Jesus! Start to praise Him for his unmerited favor and forgiveness and watch your gratitude list continue to grow!


Turn on some worship music and just praise Jesus today! 

It doesn’t matter if you’re in your car commuting to work, working on a project for your job, or cleaning your house. We can praise Jesus wherever we are at!

-Michelle Gaddi


Psalm 148-8.3.21


Philemon 1-7.30.21