Psalm 23
Psalms 23:1-3
1 The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, 3 he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.
David was a shepherd in his youth, so he understands what it means to be a shepherd. In Psalms 23, he uses the shepherd/sheep analogy to describe the relationship between God and his people. The shepherd cares for his flock; he anticipates and provides for their needs and protection. Sheep follow their shepherd. If they do, he guides them and provides for all their needs. If they don’t, they face the consequences of danger, hunger, and isolation (sheep are social animals and become agitated when separated from their flock).
David was a shepherd in Israel. I have never been there, but in pictures, the terrain looks kind of similar to Southern California. I haven’t come across a whole lot of naturally occurring green pastures and quiet waters in So Cal. I’m not saying they don’t exist, but that they are few and far between. So, to be a shepherd in Israel would take knowledge, wisdom, and planning to know where to move your sheep, throughout all the different seasons of the year, to make sure their needs were met. It’s your job to keep those sheep alive, healthy, and thriving. I’m sure that sometimes that meant long, dry, dusty, tiring treks. I’m also sure there were times those sheep weren’t happy. I can hear Sally Sheep now:
“Baa - I’ve had enough of this incessant walking for days. I love my shepherd and he usually takes good care of me, but this time I’m not so sure he knows what he’s doing. I’m so thirsty. I’m hungry. I’m tired. We’re never going to get to the next oasis. Baa - I’m going to go find myself some grass and water that are closer.”
Sally has forgotten that if she follows the shepherd, her needs will be met. But she’s soon going to find out what it means when she is no longer under the shepherd’s protection. The shepherd knows the right path. Let me say that again: THE SHEPHERD KNOWS THE RIGHT PATH.
Life Application:
Deep down, do we truly believe that God knows the right path for us? Or do we think we know better? He says all we need to do is follow His direction. The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
Thank you God for this reminder. All I need is to follow You. You know the right path for me.
-Debbie Dunn