Psalm 23 - 12.1.23

Scripture: Psalm 23:1

“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.”

 “The Lord is my shepherd; I lack nothing.” NIV

 “Yahweh is my best friend and my shepherd. I always have more than enough.” TPT‬‬


Most people can quote this verse. However, do they really take in and believe the truth this contains?  God guides us and looks over us like a shepherd. We lack nothing, have no wants unmet. I like how The Passion Translation puts it. “I always have more than enough.”  Let’s face it as humans we always want more. In God we have it.


Do I live like this is true?  Hmmm….. if someone asked me, I could spout off a list of things I need.  That being said it’s time to ask myself, “Am I really relying on God as my shepherd and provider?”  Time to seek God for His provision and not dwell on the “don’t haves”. The truth is I can tend to have a poverty mindset. I assume I don’t I have the money. I need to walk in the assurance God provides and when I pray and seek him I will have all I want and need.

Prayer: Father God, please help me rely on you as my shepherd. You provide everything I need and even my wants. Forgive me for the times I have not trusted you and tried to do it my own way. Please help me seek the creative ways you are waiting to bless me. Thank you for who you are and that I have All I need in you with no lack. Amen

- Cindy Howard


1 Corinthians 1 - 12.4.23


Romans 15 - 11.30.23