Psalm 27 - 12.7.23
Scripture - Psalm 27:9-10 - Do not hide your face from me, do not turn your servant away in anger; you have been my helper. Do not reject me or forsake me, God my Savior. Though my father and mother forsake me the Lord will receive me.
Observation – Another Psalm written by David. God offers help for today and hope for the future. Unwavering confidence in God is our antidote for fear and loneliness. Something many of us struggle with and that can become overwhelming during the holidays.
Application – So many people have had the sad experience of being forsaken by a mother or father. Some of us come from broken homes, or our families have different beliefs which can cause division; some had a parent addicted to drugs or alcohol, or a neglectful parent; one who did not nurture or protect in a way that was needed by us. That pain may linger, and we can carry loneliness and/or anger with us into adulthood. We may fear we will never be good enough, or that God can’t bring us through our dark periods. But God is with us…. “Even HERE.” Even in the pain we carry with us, and the uncertainty of things to come. Only God can fill that void, heal those hurts, and direct us to others who may take the role of father or mother for us. I personally have dealt with much of the above pain growing up, and much of it found its way into my adult life. You wouldn’t know it now, but I was very lonely up into my 30’s, which is when I found Jesus. And the beauty is that HIS love is sufficient for all our needs, including the healing of our hearts from pain and abandonment. Before I knew Him, God knew my life story.
Jer. 1:5 Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.
He KNEW me and He still knows me and knows exactly what I need! He has placed me in the most loving church family I could possibly have ever been put into. I have been nurtured and cared for by fatherly figures, motherly figures, sisters whom I never had growing up and great friends who honor me and care for me more often than I can count. GOD has never forsaken me, and His plan is still unfolding. If you believe in Him and confess with your mouth that He is Lord and Savior, you will be saved, and He will nurture you too and provide for all your needs.
Prayer – Lord, I thank you for all that you have brought me through; for knowing everything I have needed every step of my life. Thank you that you found me in that pit of loneliness and sinful living that was my life, and for showing me what it truly meant to be loved and live a life WORTH living. Thank you for bringing others into my life that I am able to love on, nurture, and help provide for. I can never repay you for your love, but I can certainly continue to look for ways to spread that love and kindness all around me! I pray that as a church family we will all look for ways to do this every day, but especially during this Christmas season. Lord, would you bring to mind today someone who could use some extra love, a smile, a coffee, maybe a hug or just some time with a friend….. and may we be obedient to your prompting. In Jesus’ name I pray!
- Crystal Flory