Psalm 35-11.4.21


Psalm 35:22-23

Lord, you have seen this; do not be silent. Do not be far from me, Lord. Awake, and rise to my defense! Contend for me, my God and Lord.


David calls out to God when his enemies mock him.


While reading, Matthew 7:7 began to ring in my ears. Thinking about it, it makes total sense: God is the ultimate comforter. When I’m going through tough times, I need to call out to God, like David in this scripture. Most of the time when I’m having a tough time, I ask God, “Why is this happening? Why are you making me feel this way?” I spend time with God when things are tough, but I don’t tend to ask God directly to take action. But God spoke to me while reading. He knows I hate feeling the things I feel. He knows I hate some of these experiences, but He doesn’t want me to suffer. All I need to do to turn it around is in this scripture. I just need to ask, just as David does.

Life Application

This lesson God has given me reminded me of a TikTok I saw a little while ago. I didn’t think much of it then, but I understand it now. This lady said, “It’s okay to not be okay, but it’s never okay to suffer in silence.”

Obviously, David was there a lot, but he never stayed silent. He always cried out to God and we need to do the same.

-Anakin Cerda


Psalm 36 - 11.5.21


Psalm 34-11.3.21