Psalm 37-11.8.21
Psalm 37
Vs. 1 Don’t fret because of evildoers. Vs. 7,8
Vs. 2 They won’t be here long.
Vs. 3 Trust in God and do good.
*Vs. 22- Key thought- “For those blessed by Him will inherit the land; but those cursed by Him will be cut off.”
Over and over the central truth is restated- Don’t worry or fret because of evil doers or those who carry out wicked schemes. Focus on Jesus and wait for Him to deliver you. Oh, and while you wait for Him, cultivate faithfulness, delight in Him, humility, and patience. Take refuge in Him and He will give you an abundant life.
This is just a great reminder that we shouldn’t be a people who are riddled with or controlled by fear and anxiety about the future. We should be occupied by trying to be like Him, His attributes in our lives, trusting Him to show up and care for us when we need Him to. He is clearly the One who holds provision and blessing. Our attention should never be drawn away to people who are up to no good.
This passage reminds me of Joshua 1:5-8 “I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you. Be strong and courageous, for you shall give this people possession of the land which I swore to their fathers to give them. Only be strong and very courageous; be careful to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, so that you may have success wherever you go. The inference is that you don’t ever need to be afraid. Always courageous.
Life Application
I come from a long line of professional worriers. I have mad skills when it comes to overthinking and watching for certain doom. Coming to Jesus certainly saved me from myself, but it’s so easy to look at all the shifting sands in our country and our lives and be worried and fearful. The pandemic, our political climate, rioting and rising crime, all feed a dark view of the future. God says here that there is no need to worry! He’s got this!
Dear Jesus, Your Word is so rich and gives me my marching orders as though you heard my thoughts. Thank you for challenging the ones that don’t reflect what I know is true of you- You’ve got this. Help me to be so fascinated with your wisdom, strength, and sacrifice that I see nothing else but that You are with me and you will never forsake me. Teach me to think and speak according to your Word, because Your Word is truth!
-Joneile Emery
Joneile Emery is married to Gary Emery. “We have had a life of watching God love and deliver His people- Pastoring churches, youth and those in ministry over 40 years. I am a watercolor artist and teacher and I love dogs and gardening and art.”