Psalm 47 - 9.13.2024

Scripture - Pick one verse that stood out to you.

Psalm 47:1-2

Clap your hands, all you nations;
    shout to God with cries of joy.

For the Lord Most High is awesome,
    the great King over all the earth.

Observation - What about this verse stands out to you?

It is tough when you feel like things are finally looking up, and it feels as if “life” throws you a bunch of curve balls. Personally whenever this happens, I am able to trace the curveball to something I did 99% of the time. But sometimes tracing the root cause of life’s issues isn’t so easy to trace. I tend to wonder if it’s the enemy, or God, or none of the above. My greatest struggle however is rarely wondering who or what caused my situation, but how to deal with it.

Even after all these years of victories as a man of Christ, I still somehow managed to let depression get the better of me. Again. And so as I was reading these bible verses Psalm 47 stood out to me in the midst of that frustration and bitterness beginning to take root.

Application - How will you apply this to your life?

I clap my hands today. And I shout to God with cries of joy! Why? Because the Lord Most High is awesome!

Prayer - Write out a prayer.

Lord, I thank you for reminding me Who the Source of my joy is! It is mind boggling to me that such a simple exercise can eliminate the beginnings of bitterness and depression. I am so thankful for Your word that seems to always guide me when my vision of this world grows dim. Thank you so much for such a simple yet powerful exercise today, Lord! Continue to fill me not with just any positivity, Lord but fill me with the joy that only comes from my belief that you are an Awesome Lord, King over all the earth! Amen and Amen!

In the name of Jesus do I pray!

-kenneth lee


Deuteronomy 14 - 9.16.24


Acts 9 - 9.12.24