Psalm 67-12.20.21


Psalm 67:1 NLT

1 May God be merciful and bless us.

May his face smile with favor on us. Interlude
2 May your ways be known throughout the earth,

your saving power among people everywhere. 

3 May the nations praise you, O God.

Yes, may all the nations praise you. 

4 Let the whole world sing for joy,

because you govern the nations with justice

and guide the people of the whole world. Interlude 

5 May the nations praise you, O God.

Yes, may all the nations praise you. 

6 Then the earth will yield its harvests,

and God, our God, will richly bless us. 

7 Yes, God will bless us,

and people all over the world will fear him.


The Psalmist gives a song to sing. It gives us a picture or glimpse of God’s heart, plan and desire for all people. An anthem of praise and acknowledgment of who he is, what he does, how he interacts with his people and the breadth of the whole world that is in his divine destiny.


The first verse really set the stage here for me. First, we acknowledge who is in control, who our prayers go before and the one who cares for us – the one true God creator of heaven and earth. Who is above all, but yet who is personally involved in our lives. Powerful yet Personal.

The cry for mercy tells us that we begin by understanding our need for him. His mercy that spares of the punishment and judgement that my sins deserve. My actions, thoughts and desires, my words don’t earn a place in God’s presence but his mercy. My good works and best efforts fail but his mercy covers my shortcomings, and then his grace opens the door for his hand to work in and through my life.

When we receive his mercy, we become candidates for his blessing. The very things he has in his heart for us. He has his blessing in store for us, waiting to pour out on us to be with us, for us to know him and experience him personally.

As a result, I love this that the almighty God can look down on me and smile. What? My life can bring you joy that causes you to smile. I think of my kids and it always makes me smile when I see them living and enjoying life. When they experience joy it makes me smile. When we experience his presence and the favor of his smile (or his face shining upon us) there is the perspective that everything is going to be alright because our Father’s great joy over us.

The final word in the first verse here says “Interlude” other versions say “Selah.” Most people interpret that to say – Pause. We could expand that and say wait a moment, don’t rush by what you just read, slow down and think about it. I know your day is full and busy but just pause for a moment, think about what you just read because it is powerful and meaningful. I love how The Passion Translation phrases the word Selah – Pause in his presence.

I love that. That is what my devotions should compel me to do – pause in His presence to experience his mercy, grace, blessing and favor each day. All that and a smile from above too.

What verse 1 communicates to us leads us to the next 6 verses that expands the heart of God from just me to the whole world. His blessing and favor aren’t just for me to experience, as if the gospel was about us. It is so the world will know, and they will discover his love, power and saving grace so they will rejoice in him. So, the world will know.

Life Application

Thank you, Lord, for your mercy, blessing and favor for me today. I know I don’t deserve it and did not earn it, but you choose to look down on me today and smile. What an amazing and mind-blowing concept that you can look at me and smile!! Wow, I bring you joy, and you give me a sense of divine approval because of your mercy, grace and great love. I have confidence in the God who smiles on me that no matter what comes my way the favor of the Lord goes before me.

-Michael Nortune

Pastor Michael is the Lead Pastor at Life Church.


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