Psalms 40 11.11.21

SCRIPTURE Psalms 40:8

“I delight to Fulfill your Will, My God, For Your Living Words are Written upon the pages of My Heart


David wrote this amazingly beautiful Prophetic Psalm. It sings of Jesus in His Perfection with God’s Love written on the Pages of His Heart coming to do the Father’s Will. “I am here to do what has been written about me” (vs 7).


It occurs to me as I read this verse Your Living Words (Meaning Law) could easily be exchanged for Love.

Then the scripture would read like this-

“I delight to Fulfill Your Will, My God, For Your Love is Written upon the pages of My Heart.”

Mind you, I’m not attempting to rewrite scripture, simply to capture the genuine depth of God’s Love for me AND what it would mean for me to Love God in the way HE is asking me to.

“Love the Lord Your God with ALL your Heart, Soul, and Mind” (Matthew 22:37)

We all know this verse. Jesus said it was the MOST important Command. In fact, Jesus said ALL the Law of Moses and the Prophets are based on Loving God and Loving others. (Matt 22: 37-40) Researching the verse in Psalms and Jesus command I learned a few things. In Hebrew the word heart is lev. And although we may tend to think that heart refers mainly to our emotions, in Hebrew the word lev specifically includes one’s mind and thoughts as well. The Hebrew word for soul is nephesh which literally means life. So, the actual meaning here is that we should Love God with our actual lives—every moment throughout our lives. Even to the point of sacrificing our lives for Him. (Lois Tverberg-The meaning of Biblical words)

There are numbers that estimate Jews were under the burden of 613 laws during Jesus day. No wonder Jesus said, “Take my yoke upon you for My Yoke is easy and my burden is light”. His Yoke was one of LOVE filled with Forgiveness, Grace, and Mercy.


Be Consumed with God

Love God with ALL My Heart and Soul

…and Love others as much as I love myself.

Lord Jesus,

You demonstrated this Love when you came down from heaven sacrificing everything to be our atonement for sin. Thank You for Loving me and Giving me the Greatest Gift— forgiveness of sins and assurance of Heaven. I pray your Love will continue to increase in me. May Your Living Loving Word be written on every page of my beating heart. May it be so evident everyone sees it. And may I read it loud and clear whenever and wherever you lead me as Your Gift is Meant to be shared.

“God is the One who Chose us and put His Spirit in our Hearts to show that we Belong ONLY to him” (2 Corinthians 1:21-22 CEV)

Tina Kudelka


Deuteronomy 27 11.12.21


Revelation 18