Revelation 2 - 6.25.24

SCRIPTURE:  Revelation 2:17  "Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.  To the one who is victorious, I will give some of the hidden manna.  I will also give that person a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to the one who receives it.  To the one who is victorious and does My will to the end, I will give authority over the nations - that one will rule them with an iron scepter and will dash them to pieces like pottery - just as I have received authority from My Father, I will also give that one the morning star.  Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.  

OBSERVATION:  Chapter 2 in the book of Revelation is filled with divine warnings that were sent to the seven churches by John.  The vision he received by God instructed him to write to the seven churches, and to include God's words of encouragement to them regarding their strengths, as well as God's warning to them regarding their flaws.  


The first message was written to the Church in Ephesus:  They were commended for the way they had persevered against false apostles, but they needed to be reproved for the way they had lost their first love. They had become a large proud church, and they needed to be reminded that Jesus is the head of the body of believers.  They were encouraged to repent and devote themselves to God so they wouldn't lose their place in His kingdom.  (verses 1-7).

The message to the church in Smyrna brought comfort during their time of tribulation.  They were encouraged to remain faithful even to the point of death, and to the over-comers, they were promised not to be harmed by the second death.  ( verses 8-11).

The church in Pergamum was acknowledged for their steadfastness, and for the way they had held fast to Jesus' name in the midst of a city where Satan dwelt, but they needed to be corrected for the way they had followed the teachings which lead believers into idolatry and immorality stemming from the teachings of Balaam and the Nicolaitans.  They were called to repent, and a promise was given;  hidden manna and a white stone would be given to the overcomers.  ( verses 18-29).

The message to Thyatira:  They received praise for their love, service, and patience, and yet they were admonished for tolerating sexual immorality and eating food that was sacrificed to idols.  Jesus promised to give authority over nations and the morning star to the overcomers.  

APPLICATION:  The book of Revelation reveals the full identity of Jesus, and it gives warnings AND hope to all Christ- followers.  Each letter that John wrote was directed to a church that was in existence back then, but it also speaks to the conditions of the Church throughout history and to His followers today.   

PRAYER:  I praise You Lord that You are sovereign, and no other leader throughout history can compare with You!  You are all-wise, all-knowing, and are always for us.  Thank You for how You have spoken to us through Your servant, John, and for the encouragement as well as the corrections You gave that have been written down to help us overcome evil temptations, and also for helping us to endure the struggles we will face in this world.  I praise You for being all-powerful, and thank You that as we tap into Your strength, we are able to be over-comers as we fight against the temptations to be loveless, immoral, lazy, apathetic, proud, arrogant, and lovers of self.  I pray we will be solely devoted to You, and that our light will shine brightly for You Jesus, and that it will never go out!  May we be more like You by loving and accepting all people, and refusing to tolerate all evil.  Jesus,  I pray You will use us to shine Your light wherever we go in this dark world.  


- Robin Orefice


Revelation 3 - 6.26.24


Proverbs 19 - 6.24.24