Revelation 3 - 2.24.25
“I know your deeds…” -Revelation 3:1b; 8 and 15
This chapter continues Jesus’ letters to the 7 churches.
The churches in Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea are being addressed through angels (or messengers) of Jesus. Every message begins with Who Jesus is. Jesus is described as holding the 7 spirits of God and the 7 stars (vs. 1); He is holy, true and holds the key of David where what He opens no one can shut and what He shuts, no one can open (vs. 7); He is the Amen, the faithful, true witness and the ruler of God’s Kingdom. (Vs. 14). Then, it begins with Jesus’ personal words to the churches and it always begins with, “I know your deeds.”
We must earnestly repent to the Lord of the ways we are falling short. He knows it all anyway!
If Jesus were to say to me and you, “I know your deeds,” what would we want his following statement to be?
I love how Jesus gave encouragement to each of the churches and an admonition (or warning) regarding what they needed to change. What would He say we are doing well and what we need to work on, individually and corporately? WE are the church (not the building or programs) and change always begins with the hearts of His people first.
“Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent. Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.” -Revelation 3:19-20 NIV
The book of Revelation is usually a challenging book for me to understand; however, this chapter is very clear and convicting with certain areas that I need to change in myself personally, specifically about needing to wake up due to unfinished deeds and also remembering that even those who are “rich” in this life are still “wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.” We continue to need Jesus and must have compassion towards those who need Him too!
Dear Lord,
Thank You for Your Word and for admonishing those You love. I pray that I would earnestly repent of any ways that I have fallen short from what You expect from me. Help me to keep Your Word and not deny Your name. May I endure patiently and always remember You as my first love. May I also continue to have a heart for the lost, knowing that I was once “wretched, pitiful and blind” before You took a hold of my life. In Your name I pray Jesus, Amen.
-Michelle Gaddi