Romans 10 - 11.24.23

Scripture: Romans 10:9-10

“If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.”

Observation – The Jewish people had established customs and traditions in addition to God’s laws, to try to make themselves acceptable in God’s sight. Paul was trying to teach the Jewish people that we cannot fully know God apart from Christ and because God appointed Jesus to bring God and man together, we cannot come to God by ANY other path. We can only hold out our empty hands and receive salvation as the gift that it is.

Application – People in general tend to make things way harder than need be. No amount of good works, good thoughts, tithes, good vibes or deeds, will get us into God’s kingdom. And we can’t believe in God and NOT Jesus and be saved, because Jesus IS the only way to God.

            John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

All any person must do is believe in their heart and say with their mouth that Christ is the risen Lord, and they are saved. It’s THAT simple! All the rest is certainly important – good deeds, transformation of our lives, selflessness, generosity, deep sorrow for our sins, but it all grows out of our relationship with Him. And it’s not only important, but our mission (Mt. 28:18-20) that we share this simple truth with everyone we have opportunity to share it with.

On this Thanksgiving Day I am so thankful that God met me where I was 22 years ago and pulled me from the pit of despair I was living in and SAVED me. I do not know where I’d be or what kind of person I would have ended up otherwise. I am thankful for the moment I believed and professed Him as my savior. We, I, will never be perfect (only Jesus is) but I am forever transforming and becoming a better person one day at a time because of Him. I am also so grateful for the family He has blessed me with, whom I get to enjoy time and great food with today. I am thankful for the close relationship I have with my brother, my many friendships, my extended DSC family; for each of you who has uniquely blessed and enriched my life and the lives of my family. I am thankful for Donna who has become like the grandmother Dom needed in his life and that she is well enough to come and celebrate with us today : )

Prayer - Lord, I give you many thanks and gratitude today! Especially as we gather as family to celebrate everything you have blessed us with, and for the reminder of the wonderful gift of salvation that you give to each of us who just ask for it. AND for each person you help me lead toward you through your grace! Please go before me and open the eyes of those who don’t yet know you that they may receive the gift of salvation and be forever changed. Bless and provide for each one of our DSC family today. Amen

Happy Thanksgiving y’all! Gobble gobble….Love you!

- Crystal Florey


Amos 6 - 11.24.2023


Romans 9 - 11.22.23