Romans 10 - 2.17.23
Scripture - What stood out?
ROMANS 10:11-13
For the Scripture says, “Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame.” For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing his riches on all who call on him. For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
Observation - What does it say?
The apostle Paul in his letter to the Romans shares where and what God’s righteousness leads towards - submission and acceptance of the life and work of Jesus Christ.
Understanding - What does it mean?
I recently had a dream Lord. Deborah and I were moved from couple to couple and we were unable to share Jesus with them. I was filled with such sorrow at being denied. They were so close to being saved. They were so close to knowing the gospel of Jesus, if only we were allowed to speak! But we weren’t. It was so devastating to not be able to share about You and Your Son!
I can’t imagine how the Apostle Paul felt. These were brothers and sisters he was speaking to. Descendants by blood. They believed in the Father. And not the Son. They refused to believe in Jesus! But despite what I believe what must have been a deep, unimaginable sadness and frustration your good and faithful servant Paul, carried on. He urged all to believe in Jesus and to call on his name.
Life Application - How can I apply this to my life today?
I can’t stop thinking about that dream Lord. I was filled with so much sorrow, anguish, and mental agony not being able to share about Jesus to people who needed to be saved. I don’t remember why I wasn’t able to share, whether it was my own cowardice, or because the authorities forbade it. If I have the chance to share about you today, Lord. Help me to speak. Please, don’t let me stay muted. For my heart desires…My heart cries out - I wish none of you to die, rather repent! Come to know Jesus and be saved! I love you! But Jesus loves you more! And Jesus is God!!!
Please, grant me Your words and Your facility today Lord, to share about You Jesus.
In the name of Jesus do I pray, amen.
-kenneth lee