Romans 10-2.23.22


Romans 10:3-4

Since they did not know the righteousness of God and sought to establish their own, they did not submit to God’s righteousness. Christ is the culmination of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes.


Observation-What does it say? 

In this chapter, Paul continues to desire the salvation of the Jews, who still try to gain salvation through their own righteousness instead of the righteousness of Christ.


Understanding-What does it mean?  

We do not work for our salvation. We cannot establish our own righteousness. Our works are filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6 and Romans 3:10) apart from the righteousness of Christ.

Paul continues to have a burdened heart for the people of Israel because they worked for God instead of accepting the work that Christ had already finished for them on the cross. 
They based righteousness on how well they were able to keep the law, instead of believing, confessing and submitting to the righteousness of Christ as Lord.  


Life Application

Let's stay committed to praying for the lost to come to Christ like Paul did. In verse 1, Paul states that his heart's desire AND prayer for the Israelites is that they be saved. 

Let's recommit to praying for the people on our PII list and be intentional about investing in their lives, inviting them into relationship with Christ and inviting them to church. (Note: PII stands for Prayer, Invest and Invite and is a list of people who have not yet accepted Jesus’ invitation for salvation.)

Dear Lord, there are so many people on earth who are still dead in their sins. Even people who call themselves a "good person" are not good apart from Your righteousness. I pray that You would give us Your heart for the lost and we would be so burdened as Paul was to pray that the lost are saved. 

- Michelle Gaddi


1 Samuel 13 02.24.22


Romans 9-2.22.22