Romans 12 - 11.27.23
Romans 12:10 NLT
“Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.”
In this chapter, the Apostle Paul is writing the Roman Church and encouraging them to live their lives in a way that is pleasing and honoring to God. One of the things that they can do to show that is by loving and honoring one other. Paul reminds them that God has blessed them and given them so much, that they should use those blessings/gifts to bless others and most importantly…to truly love and honor each other.
Take some time to show someone love and honor today. ❤️
You know, here at Desert Streams Church, we like to take the month of November and use it as month to give honor and thanksgiving to those in our church body. We have a “Wall of Honor” where you can write a thank you card to honor someone and place it on this wall for them to receive. Let me tell you that it’s been so great to see this wall filled with so many cards, filled with so much love and words of adoration for one another. It’s a great habit to build on and something we should all continue, even past this month of November.
Even as I was reading this chapter and came across these certain verses, I couldn’t help but think of certain people I wanted to honor today:
“If your gift is serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, teach well.-Romans 12:7
With this verse, I think of people like Joni Ragsdale, Cindy Howard, and my wife (Michelle Gaddi). You ladies are such gifted teachers. Your hearts to help kids learn and grow in their faith and education is second to none. I honor you all today for all the hard work and dedication you put in your craft.
“If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. If it is giving, give generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly.”-Romans 12:8
This verse brings multiple people to mind. Tina Kudelka and Robin Orefice, you two women are so encouraging. I know personally, as well as from other people, just how much your words of encouragement mean in our lives, so thank you for your faithful service in this ministry.
To Carol Fish, Rich and Crystal Flory, you all are some of the most giving and kind hearted people I know. Carol, your heart for our youth and the homeless is unmatched. You truly inspire me in the way you go about doing things for them. Rich and Crystal, every time there is a need at church, you both are there. Whenever someone is sick, you guys are there delivering home cooked meals. Whenever someone needs a ride to church or the doctors, or even the airport, you are there gladly to help them out. You two are amazing, and I just wanted you to know that.
I want to encourage everyone out there to not just use the month of November to honor and give thanks to people. Let’s continue to build on this every month. Let’s have a culture here at DSC that truly shows that we honor God by loving Him and loving people! ❤️😊
Father God, thank You for surrounding me and my family with such a loving church. Thank You for the leadership of Pastor Levi and Pastor Katie who encourage us and guide us to live godly lives. May the lives we live be honoring to You. May we as a church can be united in loving You, loving others, and making disciples wherever we go. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen. 🙏🏽
-Moses Gaddi