Titus 1 - 3.28.24

Titus 1:1-3

S - Paul, a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ to further the faith of God’s elect and their knowledge of the truth that leads to godliness—  2  in the hope of eternal life, which God, who does not lie, promised before the beginning of time,  3  and which now at his appointed season he has brought to light through the preaching entrusted to me by the command of God our Savior.

O – Paul wrote this letter to Titus, who had been taught and nurtured by Paul, to guide him in working with the church in Crete which needed strong, Christian leadership. It was a step in the discipleship process. In one short phrase, Paul gives insight into his reason for living. The process begins with the proclamation of faith, continues with knowledge of the truth, which is then shown by people living in godliness. Paul wanted men and women to be mature in Jesus. This was his ultimate objective by which he evaluated all he did. The chapter goes on to talk about what an Elder should look like and their qualifications.

A – My application may be a little different than the norm today because as I read this chapter, I just kept seeing OUR church. Specifically, Pastor Gary, Pastor Levi and our Elders and leaders. I had such a clear sense of how pleased God is with our church family and how healthy it is BECAUSE of the discipleship process our church has been following for years. The intro to the book of Titus talks about the vacuum produced when a strong leader departs and the devastation it can cause to a church (or any organization). Having been dependent on a specific person’s skill, style, and personality, associates and subordinates can flounder or vie for control. Soon efficiency and vitality are lost and decline, and demise follow. A pattern often repeated in churches. When Pastor Gary left DSC, it was difficult and heartbreaking in many ways. However, as a church family we did NOT decline, or fall apart. On the contrary. Because Pastor Gary, like Paul, wanted us to be mature men and women of God, and because he was an amazing leader and teacher who discipled as Paul did, we clung together and are still thriving. He always led us by example, while teaching/training the younger generation how to become great leaders. He helped a young man grow into leadership and then handed his precious church over to him. That was not easy in any way, but that was great leadership! That man now teaches from the same heart as his predecessor and the church is healthy and flourishing. DSC continues to adhere to the highest standard for training and discipling the church family. We have some of the greatest Elders who truly care about and work hard for our church as well as another pastor who leads by example. I personally couldn’t be prouder of the church I belong to.

P – Lord, I pray you continue to bless this church you created. Help us to always be diligent in looking for ways to train up the new believers, to encourage one another, rebuking and correcting when necessary, and holding each other to the standard that has been the foundation of DSC for decades. Help us to always work together in faith, the knowledge of your truth, and by living the Godly lives you have called us to! Bless our leaders with your anointing, Amen.

- Crystal Flory


Genesis 46 - 3.29.2024


2 Timothy 4 - 3.27.24