Acts 27 - 11.8.23


Acts 27:30-32 In an attempt to escape from the ship, the sailors let the lifeboat down into the sea, pretending they were going to lower some anchors from the bow. Then Paul said to the centurion and the soldiers, “Unless these men stay with the ship, you cannot be saved.” So the soldiers cut the ropes that held the lifeboat and let it drift away.



Paul was a prisoner but he lived his life in such a way that people listened when he spoke.



In the previous chapter, Paul had made a request to present his case before Caesar. So he, along with other prisoners, soldiers, sailors, etc., were on a ship to Rome. During the long trip, they encountered a large storm that threatened to kill them all.


Now it gets interesting. The sailors (the experts in the situation) know the ship is going down, so they try to sneak off in the lifeboat. Paul, not a sailor (aka expert), warns the centurion and soldiers (the guys in charge) that if they let the sailors leave, then everyone will die. Instead of listening to the experts and jumping into the lifeboat themselves, the soldiers listened to Paul. And they let the lifeboat free. LIFEboat.


Paul’s whole life was about serving God. And because of the way he lived his life, people could not help but notice. Not everyone who came in contact with Paul immediately believed, but they were impacted because God was so clearly evident in every facet of his life. They might not have believed yet, but they could clearly see something different about Paul, and they respected him for it. There are other stories in the Bible of people who had favor with those in power because GOD was in and on them.


The people around us are watching to see if our actions match our words.



God, I want to follow you so closely that people are pointed to you without me even saying a word. Please speak to me when I need an adjustment – to make sure that my life and my actions are reflecting you in all I do.


- Debbie Dunn


Acts 28 - 11.9.23


Psalm 5 - 11.7.23