Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Mary Oberg Mary Oberg

Acts 9 - 9.12.24

S - Acts 9:15-16: 15 But the Lord said to Ananias, “Go! This man is my chosen instrument to proclaim my name to the Gentiles and their kings and to the people of Israel. 16 I will show him how much he must suffer for my name.”

O – Saul had just signed off on the killing of Stephen in Acts 8, which then caused the scattering of Christians beyond Jerusalem and into Judea and Samaria. This persecution forced the believers out of their homes and along with them went the spreading of the Gospel. (God’s ways are mysterious and amazing.) Along the way, many lives were converted. Acts 9 finds Saul on his way to Damascus to find as many believers as he could and take them to Jerusalem as prisoners. God had another plan! He was going to use this man’s hatred towards Him and His people and cause a complete 180 in his way of thinking, therefore, causing Saul to become one of the most influential witnesses for Christ!

A - How often do we complain about the horrible state of our City, our Country, our world!? I am soooo guilty of this, especially this past year. I find myself filled with anger and bitterness daily over the complete lack of integrity and kindness from people, the amount of hatred and depravity we have all over the world!  Currently we are getting ready for the upcoming elections which brings another layer of fear, division, and complete chaos in the world. The ongoing school shootings that emotionally wreck us. There is just so much evil out there for us to walk in the midst of.  We can’t escape it and it isn’t our job to fix it. Pastor Levi just preached last week about why we have to live in a world with such evil and what our jobs actually are. Please do yourself a favor if you missed it, put aside some time to watch it. You won’t be sorry. Click the following link or just copy and paste this link: https://youtu.be/L0Q4NIC3gjw

When will we get that GOD IS IN CHARGE!?

Psalm 46:10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;

               I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.

11 The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.

He always has been with us, and always will be. All these evil things are indeed awful, but no surprise to God. He is working through His people in all these tragedies, and this isn’t the end for us as Believers. If we keep on seeking Him and focus on our own growth, as we share God’s love with others, we will be seen, we will be heard, and we will be believed that God is real; that God loves even the evil ones and He is waiting for them to turn to Him and do His will, just as Saul did! That man was killing believers…plotting against them ... conspiring ways to arrest them. He was on the wrong mission and God changed Him completely! He can do that for us too! He has chosen us, just like Saul, to be His instruments in this fallen world. Let’s do everything possible not to become fearful, bitter and angry, because that does not show anyone the hope that we have (SHOULD HAVE), knowing how this ends. He is a good God who loves us and will use us if we let Him. And if you are part of the DSC family, let’s work harder at growing together. One of the ways we can continue our growth is by being a part of the Wednesday evenings for worship and discipleship, serving at our park days the opposite Wednesdays, and serving together as a church family on Sundays. There is an array of ministry opportunities. If you don’t know where to begin, please feel free to reach out to any of our leaders for more information on how to get started….and get started! If you aren’t part of the DSC family, go serve in your community. Help a neighbor with some groceries, a ride, a meal, a cup of coffee and conversation. There are a lot of lonely people out there. Show others the love of God and watch as lives are transformed. Perhaps your own.

P – Lord, I ask you to forgive me for the bitterness I have let creep into my own heart and for the anger that has been festering within my soul and finding its way to the surface in unhealthy ways.  That is not who I want to be, and it isn’t any way to show people that I have a hope beyond this world. That even though yes, things can be very difficult at times, and there are many things we don’t wish to be happening, we know that you are working on our behalf and that gives us the strength to continue our work here on earth for as long as you see fit to keep us here. Forgive us as a Church for not always walking out our faith in a way that glorifies you. Help us to stay Christ-centered and not self-centered in all that we do. Help us to be open to all the ways you are growing us to be more like Jesus. May my life be a total conversion, as was Saul’s!  In Jesus’ name I pray!

- Crystal Flory

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Mary Oberg Mary Oberg

Acts 8 - 9.11.24



Acts 8:29-30

 The Spirit told Philip, “Go to that chariot and stay near it.”

Then Philip ran up to the chariot and heard the man reading Isaiah the prophet. “Do you understand what you are reading?” Philip asked.


In Acts chapter 8, Christ-followers start scattering from Jerusalem due to persecution. Vs. 4 Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went. They told everyone they saw about Jesus and they prayed for them and they performed miracles. And they spread the news of Jesus throughout the world. And they should continue to be our example!


As I kept reading, I noticed something else.


Vs. 26 Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, “Go south to the road—the desert road—that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.” So he did.

Vs 29 The Spirit told Philip, “Go to that chariot and stay near it.” So he did.

Then, vs. 30 Then Philip ran up to the chariot and heard the man reading Isaiah the prophet. “Do you understand what you are reading?” Philip asked.


Because of Philip’s obedience, he was in the right place at the right time to be used by God.




If I really want to be used by God, I need to learn to listen to his promptings and obey. Instead, so many times I justify why I cannot respond. I don’t think Philip knew why he was supposed to go down the desert road and I’m sure he had no idea why the spirit told him to go hang out by a chariot and wait. But he obeyed.


“Philip’s obedience to God indicates why God was able to use him so powerfully. Instead of raising questions about the sense of going out on a desert road, he went. Instead of discussing the wisdom of a strange, lone person approaching an undoubtedly well-protected caravan, he ran up to it. If we wonder why there seems an absence of direction by God in our day, perhaps we need to look at the quality of our obedience.” Asbury Bible Commentary




Thank you for this reminder today. Forgive me for the many times that I allow my lack of faith and my excuses to win out over your voice. You have called me and equipped me. Help me to listen to your promptings. If I want to be used by you, I need to learn to listen and obey.


- Debbie Dunn

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Mary Oberg Mary Oberg

Acts 7 - 9.10.24

SCRIPTURE:  ACTS 7:48 - 50


48 “However, the Most High does not live in houses made by human hands. As the prophet says: 49 “‘Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. What kind of house will you build for me? says the Lord. Or where will my resting place be? 50 Has not my hand made all these things?’ 




This scripture isn’t necessary saying that building God’s house (church or temple) is a bad thing. The idea behind this scripture is a matter of pride. Are we above God that we’ll plan where he’ll live? God doesn’t live in a church building but resides in Heaven. God doesn’t need a physical building but we can use it as a place to honor God, fill it with our praises, invite his presence but not be a place to boast or use for prideful reasons. Is God’s position in the proper place in our life or are we occupying a place where God needs to be? Is He being honored for who he is or do we pridefully think we have any power or position to do anything in the name of God?




Human “religious effort” can easily become anyone’s focus. It’s so easy to slide right into doing something “for God” but it’s not God’s business. Stephen was highlighting the fact that God is higher and above all these things. We can’t build a temple (church) and think that God will live there. Who are we to even think that we have any control over God’s plans?  His actual home is on the throne in heaven. Earth is just where he rests His feet as a footstool. The idea is that earth and the things in it are subject to God. Nothing on earth is bigger than God. He’s the one who created everything on earth so why would he need us to build anything for him? He’s far above and bigger than anything our minds can behold.

Who is like you, Lord God Almighty? You, Lord, are mighty, and your faithfulness surrounds you. Psalm 89:8


Our human views about Godly things are where we all can fall. Any time we put ourselves in the driver’s seat of Godly matters, we have fallen down into a prideful pit. As followers of Christ, to avoid these pitfalls, it’s important to remember God’s place and our place. We can choose to be humble, and uphold God’s place on the Throne or become prideful and think our plans are above His.




Lord, help me to always check my motives and actions in everything I do. Keep me from falling into the trap of “religious” actions. You are a mighty God, above all others, who sits on the throne in heaven. I’m sorry for ever thinking that I could do something on a human level when you’re the one who holds the heavens together, the sun, moon and stars in the sky. I am nothing without you. Your plans are perfect. Let me never forget my position as your servant, humble before your throne, and only wanting your ways. I’m thankful for your church where we can invite your Holy Spirit and worship you. Help me to always remember your proper position in the big picture of life as the Almighty God. In Jesus name…Amen!

- Mary Oberg

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