2 Corinthians 1 - 3.25.22


2 Corinthians 1:10b-11

On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us, as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many.



The apostle Paul begins his second letter to the believers in Corinth, writing with Timothy, by praising God for his comfort and deliverance from trouble and ‘deadly peril.’ God had delivered them and he was confident God would deliver them again. What struck me was that his confidence and hope was tied in part to the prayer help of the Corinthians.


Understanding – What does it mean?

There is power in prayer!


When I was in college, I drove through an intersection at the same time as someone else ran a red light. The car just barely missed me. I ended up inches away from a really bad collision and potentially severe injuries. With adrenaline still pumping, I pulled over and called Katie. I told her, “You wouldn’t believe what just happened. I almost got in a really bad accident.” She stopped me, “Was it at the corner of…” She described the exact intersection and the scene. I was shocked and confused at how she knew all these details. She told me she had a dream I got in an accident at that intersection so when she woke up she prayed for God to protect me.


Sometimes the best way we can help people is to pray for them. Prayer is not a cop-out, or just something to offer when we don’t know how else to help. Paul says that “gracious favor” would be granted to them in answer to their prayers.


I am so grateful for the “gracious favor” God has extended to me in answer to the prayers of many. I am confident that I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for people’s prayers for me.


Life Application

Ask for prayer!

I don’t want to miss out on the gracious favor that God wants to release into my life and situations because I fail to ask people to pray for me. (If you’re reading this and you want to ask for prayer, submit a prayer request!)

Pray for others!

I have an amazing opportunity to partner with God in changing people’s lives and circumstances! I will set aside some additional time today to ask the Holy Spirit to bring to mind people who are facing trials and to pray for them.


-Levi Thompson


2 Corinthians 2-3.28.22


1 Corinthians 14- 03.24.22