1 Corinthians 14- 03.24.22


1 Corinthians 14:1, 3 NIV

“Follow the WAY of LOVE and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy…the one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort.”


Paul is reminding the Corinthian church of some basic fundamental principles that ought to govern the public worship services. Apparently there was a tendency for some of the Corinthians to “lose control” of themselves as they exercised their gifts. Paul had to remind them of the fundamental principles: strengthening, encouragement, and comfort——ALL delivered Through Love AND in an orderly manner. And to remember that these gifts were meant to build up their fellow believers. So, they were to be careful they were not looking to emphasize their own personal edification-building themselves up as it were-to the detriment of their fellow believers. Paul basically explains since we are ALL part of the same body-what hurts one hurts the WHOLE body. (12:21)


The Church at Corinth was a little over Zealous with their spiritual gifting. Paul had NO desire to discourage them, but wanted to give them a framework and clear guidance for understanding so they could use these gifts to Reach the Highest Goal…Pointing Others To Jesus in Love.

Paul also explains about the advantage of Prophecy over Tongues, stating BOTH are important gifts of the Spirit. However, goes on to say, “anyone who speaks in tongues edifies themselves” (vs 4a) but the One who prophesies edifies the church (vs 4b). Paul values the gift of tongues in his own life and wishes it for every believer (vs 18). Paul explains the value of the gift of prophecy for the church:

  1. Edification- Strengthening. a construction term, and speaks of our being ‘built up’ In The Lord. A Prophetic Word will STRENGTHEN someone.

  2. Exhortation- Encouragement. Like a speech from the coach in the locker room Before The Big Game. A Prophetic Word will ENCOURAGE someone.

  3. Comfort- Consoling Comfort. This comfort doesn’t just cry with someone hurting, it puts its arms around them and helps to carry the load. A Prophetic Word will COMFORT someone.


LOVE Others and Eagerly DESIRE spiritual Gifts….especially….prophetic gifting

Lord Jesus,

Your Word says to Follow the WAY of LOVE. To Love God with all my heart, soul and mind and to love others as I love myself. Sow Your Love for others deep and deeper into my heart so that I am burning to share it with others. I eagerly DESIRE the spiritual gifts and especially prophecy SO I may be used as a Witness for You and a servant to edify Your church for Your glory in all things. In Jesus Name I pray.

Tina Kudelka


2 Corinthians 1 - 3.25.22


1 Corinthians 15-3.23.22