1 JOHN - 07.13.23


“I am writing about what existed from the beginning, what we have HEARD, what we have SEEN with our eyes, what we have looked at and touched with our hands, concerning the Word of Life [the One who existed even before the beginning of the world, Christ]—”



As I read John’s letter one observation is that John is sharing his personal testimony of what he has “Heard and Seen” with his own eyes. 

“I am writing about what I have “seen” with “my own eyes”.


John was one of Jesus beloved Apostles—and certainly spent time with Him—following Him closely.

John was an ‘eye’ witness to the healings, the calming of the Storms on the sea, Peter walking on water, demons being cast out, Five Thousand being fed with Christ’s multiplication of five small loaves of bread and two small fish…and on and on…in fact-


John said:

“…there are also many OTHER things which Jesus did, which IF they were recorded one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.” (John 21:25 AMP)


…AND—So—John shares his Stories about Jesus.



Share my Stories about Jesus!

Jesus is STILL Doing So many things that they cannot be contained in ANY book!


Just last Sunday we heard testimonies from our Youth Camp of how Brooklyn stepped out in faith and prayed for her sister Madison who was healed—on the spot— and Noah was prayed for and received healing from Jesus-on the spot—of his ankles/feet which had been hurting for a very long time.


We have SO many stories in our church of people being healed—some instantaneously in church services!



“Jesus Christ IS the SAME— yesterday, today, and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8 NLT)


This above scripture is God’s word to us. Do we believe it?

Take Jesus at His Word-


Be prepared for God to use you and remember it’s not about us—so we may not be feeling at our best OR it may feel like an inconvenient time.


Pastor Levi pointed this out in a teaching when he shared that so often Jesus ministered powerfully “on HIS way”—meaning Jesus Stopped what HE was doing to minister to someone.


I remember being at a restaurant not too long ago when I simply paused my conversation to ask a waitress how we could pray for her as we said grace. She burst into tears saying that morning she had just asked God to send someone to her today.


You never ever know how God will use you. It’s simply being open and available to show HIS Love.



Lord Jesus,

Like John, I have SEEN and HEARD with my own eyes—Your goodness.

 I pray as I enter into this coming rooted challenge I will lay down the world and pick up my Stories of You.

Bring to my memory more and more of the ways you have—and continue—to work in and through me.

Build and strengthen my faith so that I can be bold and fearless and loving.

Sow into me and FILL me with ALL of You that is More than I can Contain. I want Everything, Lord. May Others SEE YOU when they see me. In Jesus Name. Amen.


Tina L Kudelka




Psalm 106 - 7.14.23


2 Peter 3 - 7.12.23