Psalm 106 - 7.14.23


Psalm 106:7b-8

…they rebelled by the sea, the Red Sea.
Yet he saved them for his name’s sake,
    to make his mighty power known.


The Israelites had sinned, they had forgotten what God had done for them, the lost sight of the miracles and didn’t give any thought to how kind God had been to them. The rebelled against God despite all he had done and God would have been justified in destroying them all.

YET, he saved them. Wow.

His reason? “for his name’s sake, to make his mighty power known.” This wasn’t a one-off event for God. Rather, he was making known to the world something about who he is always is and always will be. Namely, what Jesus said about God in Luke 6:35, “he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked.”


There are so many appropriate responses to this - praise God and be in awe of his extravagant kindness (like the psalmist here), rejoice in the ways God has demonstrated this kindness to me, share with others about God’s kindness, imitate this kindness by loving my enemies (what Jesus was teaching about in Luke 6). And I’m sure there are even more.

But where I feel drawn today is to reflect on the fact that God has been kind to me for his name’s sake, not because I deserve it. It sounds cliché to say it, but the truth is I am blessed. Like crazy blessed. I have been saved. I have been forgiven. I have a future hope of eternity with God. I have an incredible wife, amazing kids, the best church family and ministry, a beautiful home, always enough food on the table… it’s overwhelming. Especially when I know how much I sinned and rebelled against God, and how I still struggle to get it right. God is so kind, so merciful, so patient with me. And as time goes on, I don’t ever want to lose sight of the fact that it’s all grace.


God, you have been so kind to me. Thank you for being the God who is kind to the ungrateful and the wicked. Not just some ungrateful and wicked people in the Bible, or people out there in the world somewhere, but TO ME. Thank you. May I never lose sight of it, and may it inspire deepest praise and devotion to you. Amen.

 -Levi Thompson


Psalm 107 - 7.17.23


1 JOHN - 07.13.23